User Guide > Timing > Preferences > Exposure Sheet Preferences

Exposure Sheet Preferences

This is the Exposure Sheet preferences tab.


These preferences are used to display or hide certain layer types in the Xsheet view.

Show Drawing Columns: Displays the Drawing layers in the Xsheet view.
Show Function Columns: Displays the Function columns layers in the Xsheet view.
Show Annotation Columns: Displays the Annotation columns layers in the Xsheet view.
Show 3D Path Columns: Displays the 3D Path columns in the Xsheet view.
Show Sound Columns: Displays the Sound columns in the Xsheet view.
Centre of Current Frame: Turns auto-centering on or off when playing back a scene. Auto-centering is to be used during sound breakdown with the ShuttleXpress device.


Default Add Columns: The default position where the new column will be added.
Default Column Width: The default width value for the new column being created.

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Timeline Preferences
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