Installation > Linux > Troubleshooting > Unable to Open Scenes

Unable to Open Scenes on Linux Clients

  • On the Harmony server, verify that all the Harmony directories were exported. The /USA_DB, /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmony[edition]_14, and /usadata directories must appear in the /etc/exports file. Verify that the entries in this file match the name of the directories you created on the server.

Verify that the directories have been exported.

/usr/sbin/exportfs -r

  • On the Linux client, verify that you created the data directories and mounted the server directories into those directories. Verify the /etc/fstab file to see that the data directories are listed and spelled the same way as the directories on the client and the server.

List the contents of the mounted directories to see that there are some contents.

cd /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmony[edition]_14


A list appears of the directories in harmony[edition]_14. They are:

etc help lang lnx_86 lnx86_64 Plugins resources

  • If you do not see anything in the exported directories, verify that the server directories are mounted.

mount -a

If you are able to list the contents of the exported directories and open the sample scene after manually mounting all shares, verify the start up sequence of ypbind and NFS to verify that NFS is started first—see Unable to Open Scenes on Linux Clients.