Installation > Batch Processing > The tbprocess Program > Verifying Sessions are Active

Verifying tbprocess Sessions are Active

There are two commands you can use to verify that tbprocess is running on a machine. To use a command, type it in a Command Shell or Terminal and press Enter/Return.

  • Status command

This command allows you to view the Schedule Status—see Displaying the Schedule Status. If tbprocess is running on a machine, an R appears in the R column for that machine.


On Windows, the process can be verified from:

  • Toon Boom Harmony Control Panel: Control Panel > Toon Boom Harmony Control Panel
  • Services panel: Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services panel

Mac OS X

  • ps -axc | grep roc command

This command verifies if you have a tbprocess session running on a machine.

  • -a displays information about other users' processes as well as your own.
  • -x displays information about processes without controlling terminals.
  • -c changes the "command" column output to contain just the executable name, rather than the full command line.

A list of all the processes running appears:

The ps command is a Linux statement used to report active processes. There are a variety of options and arguments that you can run with this command to limit or alter the information that appears. The arguments used with the ps command in this document are only suggestions. Refer to your Linux manuals for more information on the different options and arguments available with the ps command.


  • ps –f –u usabatch | grep roc command

This command verifies if you have a tbprocess session running on a machine.

  • –f produces a fully-detailed list of information.
  • –u usabatch lists only information by the user usabatch.

Since more than one user can start the tbprocess program, you can view a more complete list by removing the -u usabatch parameter from the command. You can also replace this parameter by –efa to view all the processes on the machine, regardless of the user (except the processes that are not linked to an Command shell).

  • | grep roc searches for commands that contain the letters “roc”. This allows you to filter the output.

A list of all the processes running for usabatch appears: