Assembly and Baking

Assembly refers to the process of associating assets to scenes, and then pushing those assets into their target Harmony scenes in a process referred to as “baking”.

The first step in Assembly is to build a list of assets and associate those assets with scenes. This is done in the Assets > Assembly page.

Then, asset snapshots containing references to the actual asset files on the filesystem shall be uploaded to Producer, using Harmony Asset Snapshot Script, or Producer Link’s Upload External Asset or Upload Assets CSV.

NOTE Producer never keeps the actual asset files on its filesystem. Instead, it takes “snapshots” made up of a preview and a reference to these files on the Studio’s filesystem.

Finally, assets may be copied to their associated scenes directly from Assets > Assembly page by opening the Harmony Bake dialog (button with the Harmony Logo).

In order to properly assemble assets into scenes, communication with WebCC needs to be enabled, and the list of workspaces needs to be defined in /USA_DB/workspaces.json.

Requirements for Baking

WebCC WebCC is a Harmony application that is able to communicate with Producer. For the baking to work, you have to use WebCC version 17.0.3 or higher.
workspaces.json Setup manually, the file /USA_DB/workspaces.json specifies which folders can be used to store templates and must also specify the folders containing assets so that Harmony can find these assets and paste them to the scenes.