![]() |
This interface is used to export the storyboard project. More...
Public Slots | |
Export Functions | |
bool | exportToBitmap (String &exportDir, String &filePattern, String &bitmapFormat) |
Export storyboard to bitmap file. More... | |
bool | exportToMovie (String &exportDir, String &filePattern, String &movieFormat) |
Export storyboard to movie file. More... | |
bool | exportLayout (String &exportDir, String &filePattern, String &bitmapFormat) |
Export storyboard panels, taking into consideration the scene camera (layout ) More... | |
bool | exportToPDF (String &fileName) |
Export storyboard to pdf file. More... | |
bool | exportToFCPXML (String &exportFilePath, String &filePattern, String &imageFormat) |
Export storyboard to Final Cut Pro XML format. More... | |
bool | exportToAAF (String &exportFilePath, String &filePattern, String &imageFormat) |
Export storyboard to Avid Media Composer AAF format. More... | |
bool | exportToNLE (String &exportDir, String &filePattern, bool createEDL, bool createAAF, bool createXML, bool generateVideoFiles, bool copyAudioFiles) |
Export storyboard for Non-Linear Editing use. More... | |
bool | exportToHarmony (String &exportDir, String &scenePattern) |
Export storyboard as Toon Boom Harmony scenes. More... | |
Selection | |
void | setSelectedScenes (StringList &scenes) |
Sets a selection of scenes to be exported. More... | |
void | setSelectedPanels (StringList &panels) |
Sets a selection of panels to be exported. More... | |
bool | setUseCurrentScene (bool flag) |
Export the current scene. More... | |
bool | setUseCurrentPanel (bool flag) |
Export the current panel. More... | |
bool | setUseTrackedPanels (bool flag) |
Export the tracked panel(s) More... | |
bool | setUseSelectedPanels (bool flag) |
Export the selected panel(s) More... | |
Bitmap/Layout specific settings | |
void | setCameraScaling (bool flag) |
Allow Camera Scaling. More... | |
void | setShowCameraKeyFrames (bool flag) |
Prints each camera keyframe on the exported images. More... | |
void | setTransparentBG (bool flag) |
Sets a transparent background. More... | |
Bitmap specific settings | |
void | setZoomFactor (double zoom) |
Sets the magnification of the image. By default there is no magnification. More... | |
void | setShowReference (bool flag) |
Show the reference frame. More... | |
Layout specific settings | |
void | setApplyLayerMotionCamera (bool flag) |
By default, this is false. More... | |
void | setShowCameraLabel (bool flag) |
Display the camera labels. More... | |
PDF specific settings | |
bool | setPDFProfile (String &profile) |
Set the pdf profile to be used during the pdf export. More... | |
StringList | getPDFProfiles () |
Returns the names of known pdf profiles. More... | |
Movie specific settings | |
bool | setOneMovieClipPer (String &perWhat) |
Specify the granularity of movie clip generation. More... | |
void | setMovieConfig (String &config) |
Set the audio/video export settings ( for QuickTime export ) More... | |
Harmony specific settings | |
bool | setHarmonyFormat (String &target) |
Specify the Harmony format. More... | |
void | setRenderedAnimatic (bool flag) |
Set whether or not to render an animatic or export original scenes. More... | |
bool | setOneScenePer (String &perWhat) |
Specify the granularity of scene generation. Only available when exporting as rendered animactics. More... | |
void | setOptimizeStillImages (bool flag) |
Set whether or not still images are optimized. Only available when exporting as rendered animactics. More... | |
void | setAnimaticOnTop (bool flag) |
Set whether or not animatic is exported on top. Only available when exporting as rendered animactics with the per sequence option. More... | |
void | setNestPanelsInSymbols (bool flag) |
Set whether or not panels are nested in symboles. Only available when exporting as original scenes. More... | |
void | setApplyTransformationOnDrawing (bool flag) |
Set whether or not transformation is applied on drawings. Only available when exporting as original scenes. More... | |
void | setAddCameraRefLayer (bool flag) |
Set whether or not to add a camera reference layer. Only available when exporting as original scenes. More... | |
bool | setAudioExport (String &process) |
Specify how audio is exported to Harmony. More... | |
void | setAudioExportFilePattern (String &filePattern) |
Specify the naming pattern for generated audio files. More... | |
void | setAudioExportSampleRate (int sampleRate) |
Specify Sample Rate for generated audio files (in Hz) More... | |
void | setAudioExportBitDepth (int bitDepth) |
Specify Bit Depth for generated audio files. More... | |
void | setAudioExportStereo (bool flag) |
Set whether or not to generate stereo audio files. More... | |
void | setCustomWriteNode (bool flag) |
Set whether or not to use custom parameters for the write node. More... | |
void | setCustomWriteNodePath (String &path) |
Set the custom path to use in the write node. More... | |
void | setCustomWriteNodeFileName (String &fileName) |
Set the custom file name to use in the write node. More... | |
void | setCustomWriteNodeDrawingType (String &drawingType) |
Set the custom image format to use in the write node. More... | |
Caption burn-in settings | |
void | setShowCaptionOverlay (bool flag) |
Render the Caption overlay. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayField (String captionName) |
The caption field to display in the burn-in. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayFont (String fontName) |
The font name to use for the caption burn-in. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayHeightPercentage (int percent) |
The height percentage for the caption burn-in. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayPosition (int position) |
Set the position of the caption overlay burn-in. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayMaxLines (int numLines) |
Set the maximum number shown in the caption burn-in. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayShowBgBox (bool flag) |
Set whether or not to display a background behind the caption burn-in. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayTextColour (ColorRGBA *color) |
Set the colour of the text in the caption burn-in. More... | |
void | setCaptionOverlayBgColour (ColorRGBA *color) |
Set the colour of the background in the caption burn-in. More... | |
FCP XML/AAF specific settings | |
void | setExportCaptions (bool flag) |
Export caption as comments in FCP XML. More... | |
void | setExpandRenderAreaToCamera (bool flag) |
Export layout in FCP XML By default, this is false. More... | |
void | setExportMarkers (bool flag) |
Export markers at scene beginning. More... | |
void | setExportScenesReferenceTrack (bool flag) |
Export scenes reference track. More... | |
void | setNotifyFlix (bool flag) |
Notify Flix server when exporting to FCP XML. More... | |
NLE specific settings | |
void | setOneMoviePerPanel (bool flag) |
Create a separate video for each panel during NLE export. More... | |
Generic export settings | |
void | setExportResolution (int resX, int resY) |
Sets export resolution. More... | |
void | setColorSpace (String &colorSpace) |
Sets export colour space. More... | |
void | setShowCamera (bool flag) |
Exports the camera frames black border. More... | |
void | setBitmapFitCameraPath (bool flag) |
Set Fit Camera Path. More... | |
void | setBitmapRectifyStatic (bool flag) |
Set Rectify Static Camera. More... | |
void | setMaintainSize (bool flag) |
Maintain Size Through Scene. This ensures that all images exported are the same size. More... | |
void | setExportOneImagePerLayer (bool flag) |
Export one image for each layer. More... | |
void | setShowScenePanelNamesOverlay (bool flag) |
Render scene/panel name overlay. More... | |
void | setShowAdditionalDuration (bool flag) |
Render the Additional Duration overlay. More... | |
void | setSplitTimeCountMode (int mode) |
Set the repeat cycle for additional duration overlay. More... | |
void | setSplitTimeCountSplit (int split) |
Set the unit for additional duration overlay. More... | |
void | setShowTimeCode (bool flag) |
Render the TimeCode overlay. More... | |
void | setShowTitleSafeAreaOverlay (bool flag) |
Render project title safe area overlay. More... | |
void | setShowActionSafeAreaOverlay (bool flag) |
Render project action safe area overlay. More... | |
void | setShow43SafetyOverlay (bool flag) |
Render 4:3 safety overlay. More... | |
FBX specific settings | |
void | setFBXExportDestination (String path) |
Set the default destination folder for FBX exports By default, this is the movies folder. More... | |
void | setFBXExportNamingPattern (String pattern) |
Set the default naming pattern for FBX exports By default, this is empty. More... | |
Deprecated Functions | |
bool | exportToBitmap (String &exportDir, String &filePattern, String &bitmapFormat, int resX, int resY) |
Export storyboard to bitmap file. More... | |
bool | exportToMovie (String &exportDir, String &filePattern, String &movieFormat, int resX, int resY) |
Export storyboard to movie file. More... | |
bool | exportLayout (String &exportDir, String &filePattern, String &bitmapFormat, int resX, int resY) |
Export storyboard panels, taking into consideration the scene camera (layout ) More... | |
Signals | |
void | exportReady () |
Signal emitted if export was successful. More... | |
void | exportSceneProgress (int sceneProgress) |
Signal emitted when a scene has finished exporting. More... | |
void | exportFrameProgress (int frameProgress) |
Signal emitted when a frame has finished exporting. More... | |
This interface is used to export the storyboard project.
The following examples are provided:
Exports the entire storyboard to pdf format, using the "Overview 4x3" pdf profile
The ExportManager JavaScript class. Export a Storyboard project to an image list or a QuickTime movie.
The following examples are provided:
Exports the entire storyboard to pdf format, using the "Overview 4x3" pdf profile
Exports the scenes 1 through 3 in sequence 1 to the TGA bitmap format, with a resolution of 150 wide by 100 tall, with a 50% zoom factor.
Exports scenes 1 through 4 to QuickTime, with a resolution of 400 wide by 300 tall. One movie will be produced for each scene.
signal |
Signal emitted when a frame has finished exporting.
frameProgress | - Number of frame that are finished exporting in the current scene |
slot |
Export storyboard panels, taking into consideration the scene camera (layout )
Supported bitmap formats are jpg, psd or tga.
exportDir | : target directory for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file |
bitmapFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "png", "psd" and "tga" |
slot |
Export storyboard panels, taking into consideration the scene camera (layout )
Supported bitmap formats are jpg, psd or tga.
ExportManager.setExportResolution(resX, resY)
; and ExportManage.exportLayout
("exportDir", "filePattern", "bitmapFormat"); exportDir | : target directory for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file |
bitmapFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "psd" and "tga" |
resX | : width of exported image |
resY | : height of exported image |
signal |
Signal emitted if export was successful.
signal |
Signal emitted when a scene has finished exporting.
sceneProgress | - Number of scene that are finished exporting |
Exports scenes 1 through 4 and use the "exportSceneProgress" signal to know when each scene has finished exporting.
slot |
Export storyboard to Avid Media Composer AAF format.
Supported bitmap formats are jpg, psd or tga.
exportFilePath | : target aaf file path for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file (images) |
imageFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "png", "psd" and "tga" |
slot |
Export storyboard to bitmap file.
Supported bitmap formats are jpg, psd or tga.
exportDir | : target directory for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file |
bitmapFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "png", "psd" and "tga" |
slot |
Export storyboard to bitmap file.
Supported bitmap formats are jpg, psd or tga.
ExportManager.setExportResolution(resX, resY)
; and ExportManage.exportToBitmap
("exportDir", "filePattern", "bitmapFormat"); exportDir | : target directory for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file |
bitmapFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "psd" and "tga" |
resX | : width of exported image |
resY | : height of exported image |
slot |
Export storyboard to Final Cut Pro XML format.
Supported bitmap formats are jpg, psd or tga.
exportFilePath | : target xml file path for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file (images) |
imageFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "png", "psd" and "tga" |
slot |
Export storyboard as Toon Boom Harmony scenes.
exportDir | : target directory for export |
scenePattern | : name used for export scene folder |
slot |
Export storyboard to movie file.
Supported movie formats are jpg, mov, swf or tga.
exportDir | : target directory for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file |
movieFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "png", "mov", "openH264" and "tga" |
slot |
Export storyboard to movie file.
Supported movie formats are jpg, mov, swf or tga.
ExportManager.setExportResolution(resX, resY)
; and ExportManage.exportToMovie
("exportDir", "filePattern", "movieFormat"); exportDir | : target directory for export |
filePattern | : name used for export file |
movieFormat | : allowable format strings are "jpg", "mov" and "tga" |
resX | : width of exported image |
resY | : height of exported image |
slot |
Export storyboard for Non-Linear Editing use.
exportDir | : target directory for export |
filePattern | : name used for export files |
createEDL | : true to export to EDL |
createAAF | : true to export to AAF |
createXML | : true to export to XML |
generateVideoFiles | : true to create video files |
copyAudioFiles | : true to copy audio files to exportDir |
slot |
Export storyboard to pdf file.
fileName | : name used for export file |
slot |
slot |
Set whether or not to add a camera reference layer. Only available when exporting as original scenes.
By default, this is false
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set whether or not animatic is exported on top. Only available when exporting as rendered animactics with the per sequence option.
By default, this is false
flag | : true or false |
slot |
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set whether or not transformation is applied on drawings. Only available when exporting as original scenes.
By default, this is false
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Specify how audio is exported to Harmony.
Allowable values are "no-process", "process-tracks-individually", "merge-all-tracks", "process-tracks-individually-and-merged"
By default, this is "no-process".
process | : a string specifying the process |
slot |
Specify Bit Depth for generated audio files.
Allowable values are 16 or 8
By default, this is 16.
bitDepth | : 16 or 8 |
slot |
Specify the naming pattern for generated audio files.
t : Project Title, s : Scene Name, n : Audiotrack #.
By default, this is "%t-A%n.wav".
filePattern | : a string specifying the file pattern for exported audio files. |
slot |
Specify Sample Rate for generated audio files (in Hz)
By default, this is 22050
sampleRate | : Sample Rate in Hz |
slot |
Set whether or not to generate stereo audio files.
By default, this is true
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set Fit Camera Path.
This ensures that the camera paths and control points appear inside the image. By default, this is true.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set Rectify Static Camera.
If enabled, if there is a rotation in the camera, the camera frame will appear as straight, and the image will be rotated instead. If disabled the camera frame appears as rotated and the image is straight. By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Allow Camera Scaling.
This ensures that when a very wide zoom camera movement is included in the panel, the exported image will be bigger in relation to the camera scaling used. By default, this is true.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set the colour of the background in the caption burn-in.
color | : The color to use for the caption burn-in background |
slot |
The caption field to display in the burn-in.
captionName | : The name of the caption field |
slot |
The font name to use for the caption burn-in.
fontName | : The name of the font |
slot |
The height percentage for the caption burn-in.
By default, this is 100.
percent | : The height percent to use |
slot |
Set the maximum number shown in the caption burn-in.
By default, this is 1
numLines | : The number of lines to display |
slot |
Set the position of the caption overlay burn-in.
position | : The position to use. |
Value | Position |
0 | Top Left |
1 | Top Center |
2 | Top Right |
3 | Bottom Left |
4 | Bottom Center |
5 | Bottom Right |
slot |
Set whether or not to display a background behind the caption burn-in.
By default, this is false
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set the colour of the text in the caption burn-in.
color | : The color to use for the caption burn-in text |
slot |
Sets export colour space.
Specify the export colour space.
colorSpace | : Color space name to be set. |
slot |
Set whether or not to use custom parameters for the write node.
By default, this is false
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set the custom image format to use in the write node.
By default, this is "TGA"
flag | : a string specifying the image format |
slot |
Set the custom file name to use in the write node.
By default, this is "final-"
flag | : a string specifying the filename |
slot |
Set the custom path to use in the write node.
By default, this is "frames/"
path | : a string specifying the path |
slot |
Export layout in FCP XML By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Export caption as comments in FCP XML.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Export markers at scene beginning.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Export one image for each layer.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Sets export resolution.
By default, project resolution is used
resX | : width of exported image |
resY | : height of exported image |
slot |
Export scenes reference track.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set the default destination folder for FBX exports By default, this is the movies folder.
path | : The path to the desired export destination |
slot |
Set the default naming pattern for FBX exports By default, this is empty.
pattern | : The desired file naming pattern |
slot |
Specify the Harmony format.
Allowable values are "harmony-781-standalone", "harmony-781-database", "harmony-92-standalone", "harmony-92-database"
By default, this is "harmony-92-standalone".
target | : a string specifying the target |
slot |
Maintain Size Through Scene. This ensures that all images exported are the same size.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set the audio/video export settings ( for QuickTime export )
This is provided as a work-around to specify explicit QuickTime settings. The easiest way to access a given QuickTime settings string to to save the given setting in the exportMovie dialog, and consult the EXPORT_DLG_MOVIE_VIDEO_CONFIG preference in your user preferences.
config | : a string specifying the video settings |
slot |
Set whether or not panels are nested in symboles. Only available when exporting as original scenes.
By default, this is false
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Notify Flix server when exporting to FCP XML.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Specify the granularity of movie clip generation.
Allowable values are "project", "sequence", "scene", "shot".
By default, this is "project".
perWhat | : a string specifying project, sequence, scene or shot |
slot |
Create a separate video for each panel during NLE export.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Specify the granularity of scene generation. Only available when exporting as rendered animactics.
Allowable values are "shot", "scene", "selection", "sequence", "act".
By default, this is "shot".
perWhat | : a string specifying either shot, scene, selection, sequence or act |
slot |
Set whether or not still images are optimized. Only available when exporting as rendered animactics.
By default, this is false
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set the pdf profile to be used during the pdf export.
By default, this is the profile that is selected in the Export PDF Dialog.
profile | : profile used during pdf export |
slot |
Set whether or not to render an animatic or export original scenes.
By default, this is false, i.e. export original scenes
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Sets a selection of panels to be exported.
See the SelectStoryboard interface to retrieve a panel Id selection. (The selection interface is not applicable in batch mode.) See the ProjectStoryboard interface to create a list of panelIds by querying the project.
If no range is specified, then the entire project is exported.
panels | : list of panel Ids to be exported |
slot |
Sets a selection of scenes to be exported.
See the SelectStoryboard interface to retrieve a scene Id selection. (The selection interface is not applicable in batch mode.) See the ProjectStoryboard interface to create a list of sceneIds by querying the project.
If no range is specified, then the entire project is exported.
scenes | : list of scene Ids to be exported |
slot |
Render 4:3 safety overlay.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Render project action safe area overlay.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Render the Additional Duration overlay.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Exports the camera frames black border.
By default, this is true.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Prints each camera keyframe on the exported images.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Display the camera labels.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Render the Caption overlay.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Show the reference frame.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Render scene/panel name overlay.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Render the TimeCode overlay.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Render project title safe area overlay.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Set the repeat cycle for additional duration overlay.
mode | : The duration display system for the time count. |
Value | Mode |
0 | By Frame |
1 | By Timecode |
slot |
Set the unit for additional duration overlay.
split | : The unit to split the additional duration overlay by. |
Value | Split |
0 | No Split |
1 | Per Act |
2 | Per Sequence |
3 | Per Scene |
4 | Per Panel |
5 | Per Layer |
slot |
Sets a transparent background.
By default, this is false.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Export the current panel.
Not applicable in batch mode.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Export the current scene.
Not applicable in batch mode.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Export the selected panel(s)
Not applicable in batch mode.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Export the tracked panel(s)
Not applicable in batch mode.
flag | : true or false |
slot |
Sets the magnification of the image. By default there is no magnification.
zoom | : zoom factor |