int | numberOfSequencesInProject () |
| Return the number of sequences in the project. More...
String | sequenceInProject (int i) |
| Return the sequenceId of the ith sequence in project. More...
String | sequenceIdOfScene (String &sceneId) |
| Return sequenceId of the sequence of the given scene. More...
int | numberOfScenesInSequence (String &sequenceId) |
| Return the number of scenes in a sequence. More...
String | sceneInSequence (String &sequenceId, int i) |
| Return sceneId of the ith scene in sequence. More...
int | numberOfScenesInProject () |
| Return the number of scenes in project. More...
String | sceneInProject (int i) |
| Return the sceneId of the ith scene in project. More...
String | sceneIdOfPanel (String &panelId) |
| Return the sceneId of the panel. More...
int | numberOfPanelsInScene (String &sceneId) |
| Return the number of panels in a scene. More...
String | panelInScene (String &sceneId, int index) |
| Return the panelId of the ith panel in the scene. More...
int | numberOfPanelsInProject () |
| Return the number of panels in project. More...
String | panelInProject (int i) |
| Return panelId of the ith panel in the project. More...
String | nameOfSequence (String &sequenceId) |
| Return the name of the sequence. More...
String | nameOfScene (String &sceneId) |
| Return the name of the scene. More...
String | nameOfPanel (String &panelId) |
| Return the name of the panel. More...
String | sequenceId (String &sequenceName) |
| Return the unique id of the sequence. More...
String | sceneId (String &sequenceName, String &sceneName) |
| Return the unique id of the scene. More...
String | panelId (String &sequenceName, String &sceneName, String &panelName) |
| Return the unique id of the panel. More...
String | actNameOfScene (String &shotId) |
| Return the name of the act. More...
String | createSequence (String &firstShotId, String &lastShotId) |
| Create a new sequence. More...
String | insertScene (bool after, String &shotId, String &name) |
| Insert a new scene. More...
String | appendScene (String &name) |
| Append a scene at the end of the project. More...
String | insertPanel (bool after, String &panelId, String &name) |
| Insert a new panel. More...
String | appendPanel (String &name) |
| Append a panel at the end of the project. More...
bool | splitPanel (String &panelId, unsigned int atFrame) |
| Split a panel into 2 panels. More...
bool | deleteSequence (String &seqId) |
| Delete a sequence. More...
bool | deleteScene (String &sceneId) |
| Delete a scene. More...
bool | deletePanel (String &panelId) |
| Deletes a panel. More...
bool | renameSequence (String &seqId, String &newName) |
| Rename a sequence. More...
bool | renameScene (String &sceneId, String &newName) |
| Rename a scene. More...
bool | renamePanel (String &panelId, String &newName) |
| Rename a panel. More...
int | getPanelDuration (String &panelId) |
| Get the panel Duration. More...
bool | setPanelDuration (String &panelId, int frames) |
| Set the panel duration. More...
void | setPanelColor (String &panelId, QScriptValue &color) |
String | getPanelColor (String &panelId) |
int | sceneStartFrame (String &shotId) |
| Return the start frame of a scene. More...
int | sceneEndFrame (String &shotId) |
| Return the last frame of a scene. More...
For the sake of clarity, the trx is always associated with the shot to its right.
StringList | scenesWithTrx () |
| Return a list of the sceneIds of scenes that have leading transitions. More...
String | sceneIdOfTrx (String &trxId) |
| Return the sceneId of the shot to the right of the transition. More...
String | trxIdOfScene (String &shotId) |
| Return the transition ID of the transition to the left of the shot. More...
bool | sceneHasTrx (String &shotId) |
| Return whether a scene has a leading transition. More...
String | trxType (String &trxId) |
| Return a string identifying the transition type. More...
int | trxLength (String &trxId) |
| Return the length of the transition. More...
The StoryboardManager JavaScript class. Access the main storyboard project and its components.
It can be used to query the sequences, scenes, panels and transitions of the project. As well, it can be used to create, delete or rename project objects.
Scenes, Panels and Transitions are identified by a unique id. For the sake of clarity, a transition is considered to belong to the shot to it's right. Or, the shot owns the transition to it's left.
The following examples are provided:
function projectQuery()
var nbSeqs = storyboard.numberOfSequencesInProject();
for ( var i =0; i < nbSeqs; ++i )
var id = storyboard.sequenceInProject( i );
"Sequence is " +
id +
" : " + storyboard.nameOfSequence(
id ) ) ;
var nbScenes = storyboard.numberOfScenesInSequence( id );
for ( var j = 0; j < nbScenes; ++ j )
sceneId = storyboard.sceneInSequence(
id, j );
var nbShots = storyboard.numberOfScenesInProject();
for ( var i =0; i < nbShots; ++i )
sceneId = storyboard.sceneInProject(i);
var seqId = storyboard.sequenceIdOfScene(
sceneId );
"Scene is " +
sceneId +
": " + storyboard.nameOfScene(
sceneId ) +
" sequence is " + storyboard.nameOfSequence( seqId)) ;
function transitionQuery()
var sceneList = sb.scenesWithTrx();
for ( var i = 0; i < sceneList.length; ++i )
var trxId = sb.trxIdOfScene( sceneList[i] );
+ " has a transition of type "
+ sb.trxType( trxId )
+ " and of length "
+ sb.trxLength( trxId ));