Replacing Colours and Textures in Drawings


Although it is always possible to change colours and textures in existing drawings by updating the swatch in the palette, there may be situations where you want to replace a colour or texture in your drawings with a different colour or texture swatch, without updating the existing swatch. For example, you may want to only replace a colour with a different colour in specific drawings, but not in all the drawings that use the original colour, or you may want to replace a colour with a colour from a different palette without changing your palettes.

Using the Recolour Drawing dialog, you can replace all instances of a colour or texture used in your drawings with a different colour or texture swatch. This will actually change the colours or textures from within the drawings, without making any changes to your palette. You can perform this operation on the currently selected drawing, on all drawings in the current layer or in all drawings in your scene.