Borrowing a License from a License Server
If you installed a borrowable license on a license server, you can temporarily borrow a seat from the license server to a client machine to activate the product on the client machine. This procedure does not require an Internet connection.

Launch License Wizard—see Starting the License Wizard.
The License Wizard launches and displays the Welcome Screen.
Click on Activate License.
The Activation Options screen appears.
Click on Use License Server.
The Server Activation screen appears.
Click on Borrow from Server.
The Server Activation - Borrowed License screen appears.
In the License Server Address field, type in the hostname or IP address of the license server.
If the license server is configured to use a specific port, type in the port number in the Port field. Otherwise, type in ANY.
In the Product Code field, type in the same product code as the one for the license that is activated on the license server.
In the Duration field, enter the amount of days during which you want to borrow the license. The license will be returned to the server after this amount of days.
Click on Borrow License. Wait for the license server to validate your request.
Congratulations ! Your Toon Boom product is now activated.
The Activation Successful screen appears. It confirms the product you activated and the date at which the borrowed license will expire. Once the expiration date is reached, the license will be returned to the server.
- Click on Finish to close License Wizard.
You can also borrow a license in a terminal. This can be useful if you want to script the borrowing procedure to automate the configuration of clients.

- Open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
In the command prompt, type in the following command to install the license validation (anchor) service:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom [Product Name] [Version] [Edition]\win64\bin\LicenseWizard.exe --console --install-anchor-win
Type in the following command to borrow a license from the server:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom [Product Name] [Version] [Edition]\win64\bin\ClientActivation.exe -batch -served -comm soap -commServer <port@license server> -entitlementID <product code> -expiration <dd-mmm-yyyy>
- Replace <port@license server> with the port number and hostname or IP address of the license server, separated by an @ symbol. If the license server is not configured to use a specific port, simply type an @ symbol followed by the host name or IP address of the license server.
- Replace <product code> with the same product code as the one of the license that is activated on the license server.
- Follow <dd-mmm-yyyy> with the date at which you want the borrowed license to expire, with the month specified by its short (three letters) name (ie: apr for April).
- You can also replace the -expiration parameter with the -duration parameter followed by the desired duration time of the license, in seconds. For example, to borrow the license for a day, you can put -duration 86400.
If successful, the utility will output the message ACTIVATION REQUEST SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED followed by the name and version of the product, the fulfilment ID and the expiration date of the borrowed license.

- Open a Terminal.
In the terminal, type in the following command to install the license validation (anchor) service:
> sudo /Applications/Toon Boom [Product Name] [Version] [Edition]/[Product Name].app/Contents/Applications/ --console --install-anchor
Type in the following command to borrow a license from the server:
$ sudo /Applications/Toon Boom [Product Name] [Version] [Edition]/[Product Name].app/Contents/Applications/ -batch -served -comm soap -commServer <port@license server> -entitlementID <product code> -expiration <dd-mmm-yyyy>
- Replace <port@license server> with the port number and hostname or IP address of the license server, separated by an @ symbol. If the license server is not configured to use a specific port, simply type an @ symbol followed by the host name or IP address of the license server.
- Replace <product code> with the same product code as the one of the license that is activated on the license server.
- Follow <dd-mmm-yyyy> with the date at which you want the borrowed license to expire, with the month specified by its short (three letters) name (ie: apr for April).
- You can also replace the -expiration parameter with the -duration parameter followed by the desired duration time of the license, in seconds. For example, to borrow the license for a day, you can put -duration 86400.
If successful, the utility will output the message ACTIVATION REQUEST SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED followed by the name and version of the product, the fulfilment ID and the expiration date of the borrowed license.

- Open a Terminal.
In the terminal, type in the following command to install the license validation (anchor) service:
> sudo /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmony[Edition]_[Version]/lnx86_64/bin/LicenseWizard --console --install-anchor
Type in the following command to borrow a license from the server:
$ sudo /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmony[Edition]_[Version]/lnx86_64/bin/ServerActivation -batch -served -comm soap -commServer <port@license server> -entitlementID <product code> -expiration <dd-mmm-yyyy>
- Replace <port@license server> with the port number and hostname or IP address of the license server, separated by an @ symbol. If the license server is not configured to use a specific port, simply type an @ symbol followed by the host name or IP address of the license server.
- Replace <product code> with the same product code as the one of the license that is activated on the license server.
- Follow <dd-mmm-yyyy> with the date at which you want the borrowed license to expire, with the month specified by its short (three letters) name (ie: apr for April).
- You can also replace the -expiration parameter with the -duration parameter followed by the desired duration time of the license, in seconds. For example, to borrow the license for a day, you can put -duration 86400.
If successful, the utility will output the message ACTIVATION REQUEST SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED followed by the name and version of the product, the fulfilment ID and the expiration date of the borrowed license.