Script Editor

Classes and functions of the scripting API available from the Script Editor, script callbacks (e.g. from toolbar buttons) and the Master Controller Node. More...


class  AttrState
 The AttrState JavaScript class. Represents the state of an attribute associated to a given pose. More...
class  Cel
 The Cel JavaScript class. Adds file storage capabilities to cels. More...
class  Constants
 The JavaScript class for getting the constant colour and palette data. Obtain it from PaletteObjectManager. More...
class  PaletteListType
 The JavaScript class for getting the palette list type. Obtain it from Constants. More...
class  PaletteLocation
 The JavaScript class for defining the standard palette locations. Obtain it from Constants. More...
class  ColorType
 The JavaScript class for defining the different color types. Obtain it from Constants. More...
class  Color
 The JavaScript class for manipulating colours. Can be created from a Palette object. More...
class  ColorRGBA
 The ColorRGBA JavaScript class. Represent an 8 bits per channel Red Green Blue Alpha colour. More...
class  ColorOverride
 The JavaScript class for manipulating colour override nodes. Created from the node global object. More...
class  PaletteManager
 The PaletteManager JavaScript global object. Used to get information about the Colour view current selection. More...
class  ExportVideoDlg
 The ExportVideoDlg JavaScript class. A dialog that can be used before an export to query the user about various settings. More...
class  FileWrapper
 The PermanentFile and TemporaryFile JavaScript classes. Used to represent an actual image file on disk. More...
class  library
 The library JavaScript global object. Select templates, and generate thumbnails or movies for them. More...
class  Matrix4x4
 The Matrix4x4 JavaScript class. Defines a four by four matrix container. More...
class  SubnodeData
 The SubnodeData Javascript class. More...
class  Model3d
 The Model3d JavaScript class. More...
class  SCR_NetworkSessionSocketMgrWrapper
 The SessionSocketMgr JavaScript class, creates and keeps sockets bounded throughout a session. More...
class  RemoteCmd
 The RemoteCmd JavaScript class. Send one sided commands to a remote host. More...
class  NodeState
 The NodeState JavaScript class. Represents the state of a node for a given pose. More...
class  Palette
 The JavaScript class providing information about a specific palette. More...
class  PaletteList
 The JavaScript class providing information about a palette list. Obtain from PaletteObjectManager methods like getPaletteListByElementId, getScenePaletteList or getPaletteListById. More...
class  PenstyleManager
 The PenstyleManager JavaScript global object. Query/modify the current penstyle and list of penstyles. More...
class  Point2d
 The Point2d JavaScript class. Defines a two dimensional point. More...
class  Point3d
 The Point3d JavaScript class. Defines a three dimensional point. More...
class  Process2
 The Process2 JavaScript class. Used to launch an external process. More...
class  FileAccess
 The FileAccess JavaScript global object. Enum to define file operation. More...
class  File
 The File JavaScript class. Open, close, read, write, get information about files. More...
class  DirSpec
 The DirSpec JavaScript global object. Enum for directory operations. More...
class  Dir
 The Dir JavaScript class. Interface to operating system Dir operations, e.g. mkdir, rmdir, rename, etc. More...
class  Input
 The Input JavaScript global object. A simplified version of the Qt input dialogs. More...
class  FileDialog
 The FileDialog JavaScript global object. A simplified version of the Qt file dialogs. More...
class  MessageBox
 The MessageBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the MessageBox Qt dialog. More...
class  Label
 The Label JavaScript class. A simplified version of the Label Qt widget. More...
class  LineEdit
 The LineEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the LineEdit Qt widget. More...
class  NumberEdit
 The NumberEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the NumberEdit Qt widget. More...
class  DateEditEnum
 The DateEditEnum JavaScript global object. Specifies the type of display order of day, month, year. More...
class  DateEdit
 The DateEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the DateEdit Qt widget. More...
class  TimeEdit
 The TimeEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the TimeEdit Qt widget. More...
class  TextEdit
 The TextEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the TextEdit Qt widget. More...
class  SpinBox
 The SpinBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the SpinBox Qt widget. More...
class  CheckBox
 The CheckBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the CheckBox Qt widget. More...
class  RadioButton
 The RadioButton JavaScript class. A simplified version of the RadioButton Qt widget. More...
class  ComboBox
 The ComboBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the ComboBox Qt widget. More...
class  GroupBox
 The GroupBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the GroupBox Qt widget. More...
class  Dialog
 The Dialog JavaScript class. A simplified version of the Qt dialog. More...
class  Slider
 The Slider JavaScript class. A simplified version of the Slider Qt widget. More...
class  Button
 The Button JavaScript class. A simplified Button Qt widget. More...
class  Quaternion
 The Quaternion Javascript class. Defines a 4 dimensional value. More...
class  RigState
 The RigState JavaScript class. Represents the state of a rig for a given pose. More...
class  Texture
 The JavaScript class for manipulating textures. Can be created from a Palette object. More...
class  Timeline
 The Timeline JavaScript global object. Used to get informations about layers and frames from the Timeline view. More...
class  ToolProperties
 The ToolProperties JavaScript global object. Controls the Tool Properties. More...
class  Vector2d
 The Vector2d JavaScript class. Defines a two dimensional vector. More...
class  Vector3d
 The Vector3d JavaScript class. Defines a three dimensional vector. More...
class  view
 The view JavaScript global object. Provides information about the contents of selected View windows. More...
class  about
 The about JavaScript global object. Provides information about the main application and the platform on which the script is running. More...
class  Action
 The Action JavaScript global object. Trigger action associated to menu or tool bar items. More...
class  Backdrop
 The Backdrop JavaScript global object. Get, set and add backdrops. More...
class  CELIO
 The CELIO JavaScript global object. Provide information about image file. More...
class  column
 The column JavaScript global object. Retrieve add or remove values from columns in your scene. More...
class  columnMarkers
 The JavaScript class for using XSheet column markers. Obtain it by calling columnMarkers from the column global object. More...
class  CompositionItem
 The JavaScript class for getting the composition information of a node. Obtain one from the compositionOrder global object. More...
class  compositionOrder
 The compositionOrder JavaScript global object. Extract the Timeline view's composition order. More...
class  DragObject
 The JavaScript class representing a dragged object. Obtain from the copyPaste global object copy method. More...
class  copyPaste
 The copyPaste JavaScript global object. Copy paste to/from templates. More...
class  CopyOptions
 The JavaScript class for getting or setting the model directory, the scan files and the default camera name flags when copying. Obtain from the copyPaste global object. More...
class  PasteOptions
 The JavaScript class for getting or setting the model directory, the scan files and the default camera name flags when pasting. Obtain from the copyPaste global object. More...
class  DrawingToolParams
 The DrawingToolParams JavaScript class. Set or unset the "apply on all drawings" setting of the DrawingTools methods. More...
class  DrawingTools
 The DrawingTools JavaScript global object. Get information about the currently selected drawing. More...
class  element
 The element JavaScript global object. Add, remove, modify or get information about element nodes in the scene. More...
class  Drawing
 The Drawing JavaScript global object. Iterate and manipulate the drawings of an element node. More...
class  exporter
 The exporter JavaScript global object. Provides access to the project export directory. More...
class  fileMapper
 The fileMapper JavaScript global object. Map paths from one format to another. More...
class  func
 The func JavaScript global object. Retrieve and modify values of function curves. More...
class  KeyModifiers
 The KeyModifiers JavaScript global object. Query key modifiers. More...
class  MessageLog
 The MessageLog JavaScript global object. Allows the user to print messages to the message log window. More...
class  MovieImport
 The MovieImport JavaScript global object. Import a QuickTime movie in the current scene. More...
class  node
 The node JavaScript global object. More...
class  PaletteObjectManager
 The PaletteObjectManager JavaScript global object. Provides access to palette list (PaletteList) and palette (Palette) objects. More...
class  preferences
 The preferences JavaScript global object. Set or retrieve user preferences saved in the user local data. More...
class  render
 The render JavaScript global object. Render the scene or a part of the scene. More...
class  scene
 The scene JavaScript global object. Retrieve and set global scene attributes, like the aspect ratio of the cells in the scene grid. More...
class  selection
 The selection JavaScript global object. Retrieve information about the nodes or columns that are selected. More...
class  sound
 The sound JavaScript global object. Access the scene soundtrack in part or in whole. The scripting environment can receive notifications when scene frame is ready. See the TB_ExportFLV.js script for an example. More...
class  specialFolders
 The specialFolders JavaScript global object. Provide the path to application specific paths. More...
class  System
 The System JavaScript global object. Call system specific command directly. More...
class  Uiloader
 The UiLoader JavaScript global object allows the user to load pre-defined Qt forms that define Qt widgets (generally built within Qt Designer). More...
class  waypoint
 The waypoint JavaScript global object. More...
class  xsheet
 The xsheet JavaScript global object. Enables manipulation of the XSheet view from scripting. For example, allows a script to auto-advance the XSheet cell independently of the current timeline selection. More...
class  deformation
 The deformation JavaScript global object. Provide deformation node parent matrix transformations. More...


column checkFiles

Detailed Description

Classes and functions of the scripting API available from the Script Editor, script callbacks (e.g. from toolbar buttons) and the Master Controller Node.

Variable Documentation

◆ checkFiles

column checkFiles