exporter Class Reference

The exporter JavaScript global object. Provides access to the project export directory. More...

Public Slots

void cleanExportDir ()
 Removes all files from the project export directory. More...
String getExportDir ()
 Returns the path of the project export directory. More...
bool exportToQuicktime (String &codecName, int startFrame, int lastFrame, bool withSound, int resX, int resY, String &dstPath, String &displayModule, bool generateThumbnail, int thumbnailFrame)
 Returns true if a scene was exported to a QuickTime in the specified directory. This method only supports the default quicktime export or the openH264 codec. For ProRes export, use the exporter.exportMovie function instead. More...
void exportOGLToQuicktime (String &fileName, String &dstPath, int startFrame=-1, int lastFrame=-1, int resX=-1, int resY=-1)
 Export OGL frames to a QuickTime movie. Without QuickTime it will try to fallback to other supported formats. More...
void exportMovie (QScriptValue &params)

Public Member Functions

QScriptValue exportGIF (QScriptValue &params)
 Render the scene and export an animated GIF from its rendering. More...
QScriptValue exportToProRes (QScriptValue &params)
 Render the scene and export a ProRes movie. More...

Detailed Description

The exporter JavaScript global object. Provides access to the project export directory.

The example below writes the palette list to a file.

var exportDir = exporter.getExportDir();
var exportFile = exportDir + "paletteList.txt";
var logFile = new File(exportFile);
// FileAccess is a 10.1 interface, 10.0 should use integers
// ReadOnly = 0x0001
// WriteOnly = 0x0002
// ReadWrite = 0x0003
// Append = 0x0004
// Truncate = 0x0008
// Translate = 0x0010
logFile.writeLine(scene.currentScene() + " palettes:");
var numPalettes = PaletteManager.getNumPalettes();
for (i = 0; i < numPalettes; ++i)
var paletteName = PaletteManager.getPaletteName(i);
MessageBox.information("Palette list exported to: " + exportFile);

Member Function Documentation

◆ cleanExportDir

void exporter::cleanExportDir ( )

Removes all files from the project export directory.

◆ exportGIF()

QScriptValue exportGIF ( QScriptValue &  params)

Render the scene and export an animated GIF from its rendering.

var res = exporter.exportGIF({ fileName : "C:/myPath/myGif.gif",
displayName : "",
startFame : 1,
stopFrame : 10,
resX : 1024,
resY : 554,
dith : exporter.None,
loop : true });
MessageBox.information('The GIF export has succeeded);
MessageBox.information('The GIF export has failed);
exporter.exportGIF({ fileName : "C:/myPath/animated2.gif", stopFrame : 5, dith : 0 });
catch (err)
params: An export parameters object with following properties:
Property Type Description
fileName String The complete file path to the generated animated GIF.
displayName String (Optional) The display node name. The default display is used if the property isn't specified or if it is an empty string.
startFrame int (Optional) The first frame to be exported. The first frame of the scene if the property isn't specified or if it is set to 0.
stopFrame int (Optional) The last frame to be exported. The last frame of the scene if the property isn't specified or if it is set to 0.
resX int (Optional) The horizontal pixel resolution. The x resolution of the scene if 0 or not specified.
resY int (Optional) The vertical pixel resolution. The y resolution of the scene if 0 or not specified.
dith int (Optional) The dithering to use. exporter.None if not specified.
loop bool (Optional) Set the animation to loop. true by default.

Dithering Value
exporter.None 0
exporter.Diffusion 1
exporter.Pattern 2
Returns true if a scene was exported as an animated GIF. Throw an error if there was an invalid dithering property.

◆ exportMovie

void exporter::exportMovie ( QScriptValue &  params)

Render the scene and export it using the codec passed in parameter.

var filename = scene.currentProjectPathRemapped() + "/frames/my-export.mov";

codec : "openH264",
startFrame: 1,
lastFrame: frame.numberOf(),
dstPath: filename,
resX: 1920,
resY: 1080
catch (err)
params: An export parameters object with following properties:
Property Type Description
dstPath String The output file location.
startFrame int (Optional) The start range of playback, default value is the start of the playback toolbar, or if -1.
lastFrame int (Optional) The end range of playback, default value is the stop of the playback toolbar, or if -1.
withSound bool (Optional) Whether or not the movie will have sound, default value is true.
stereo bool (Optional) Whether or not the movie will have stereo sound, default value is true. Used only in prores codecs.
audioSampleRate int (Optional) The audio samples per second to be used, default value is 22050. Only used in prores codecs
codec int,string (Optional) The codec of the movie, default value is ""
withAlpha bool (Optional) Whether or not the movie will have alpha, default value is true (used only when codec supports an alpha channel). Only used in prores codecs
resX int (Optional) The horizontal resolution, default value the preview resolution, or if -1.
resY int (Optional) The vertical resolution default value is the preview resolution, or if -1.
displayModule String (Optional) The display module, default is empty string.
thumbnail bool (Optional) Generate a thumbnail. Not available for prores.
thumbnailFrame int (Optional) Which frame to use as thumbnail. Not available for prores.

Codecs Value Description
"" "" Apple Quicktime
"openH264" "openH264" Open H264 codec
exporter.prores422 0 Apple ProRes 422
exporter.prores422HQ 1 Apple ProRes 422 HQ
exporter.prores422LT 2 Apple ProRes 422 LT
exporter.prores422Proxy 3 Apple ProRes 422 Proxy
exporter.prores4444 4 Apple ProRes 4444
exporter.prores4444XQ 5 Apple ProRes 4444 XQ

◆ exportOGLToQuicktime

void exporter::exportOGLToQuicktime ( String &  fileName,
String &  dstPath,
int  startFrame = -1,
int  lastFrame = -1,
int  resX = -1,
int  resY = -1 

Export OGL frames to a QuickTime movie. Without QuickTime it will try to fallback to other supported formats.

fileName: The output file name.
dstPath: The output file location.
startFrame: The start range of playback, default to playback toolbar start if -1.
lastFrame: The end range of playback, default to playback toolbar stop if -1.
resX: The horizontal resolution, default to preview resolution if -1.
resY: The vertical resolution default to preview resolution if -1.

◆ exportToProRes()

QScriptValue exportToProRes ( QScriptValue &  params)

Render the scene and export a ProRes movie.

// Export with default parameters
var res = exporter.exportToProRes({ dstPath : "C:/myPath/movie1.mov"});
if (res)
MessageBox.information("The export has succeeded");
MessageBox.information("The export has failed");
// Export specifing parameters
exporter.exportToProRes({dstPath : "C:/myPath/movie2.mov",
startFrame : 1,
lastFrame : frame.numberOf(),
withSound : true,
stereo : true,
audioSampleRate : 22050,
codec : exporter.prores4444,
withAlpha : true,
resX : (scene.currentResolutionX()/4),
resY : (scene.currentResolutionY()/4)});
catch (err)
params: An export parameters object with following properties:
Property Type Description
dstPath String The output file location.
startFrame int (Optional) The start range of playback, default value is the start of the playback toolbar, or if -1.
lastFrame int (Optional) The end range of playback, default value is the stop of the playback toolbar, or if -1.
withSound bool (Optional) Whether or not the movie will have sound, default value is true.
stereo bool (Optional) Whether or not the movie will have stereo sound, default value is true.
audioSampleRate int (Optional) The audio samples per second to be used, default value is 22050.
codec int (Optional) The codec of the movie, default value is exporter.prores4444
withAlpha bool (Optional) Whether or not the movie will have alpha, default value is true (used only when codec supports an alpha channel).
resX int (Optional) The horizontal resolution, default value the preview resolution, or if -1.
resY int (Optional) The vertical resolution default value is the preview resolution, or if -1.
displayModule String (Optional) The display module, default is empty string.

Codecs Value Description
exporter.prores422 0 Apple ProRes 422
exporter.prores422HQ 1 Apple ProRes 422 HQ
exporter.prores422LT 2 Apple ProRes 422 LT
exporter.prores422Proxy 3 Apple ProRes 422 Proxy
exporter.prores4444 4 Apple ProRes 4444
exporter.prores4444XQ 5 Apple ProRes 4444 XQ
Returns true if a scene was successfully exported to a ProRes movie file in the specified directory.

◆ exportToQuicktime

bool exporter::exportToQuicktime ( String &  codecName,
int  startFrame,
int  lastFrame,
bool  withSound,
int  resX,
int  resY,
String &  dstPath,
String &  displayModule,
bool  generateThumbnail,
int  thumbnailFrame 

Returns true if a scene was exported to a QuickTime in the specified directory. This method only supports the default quicktime export or the openH264 codec. For ProRes export, use the exporter.exportMovie function instead.

codecName: The codec to use. If the value is "openH264", the openH264 codec will be used. Any other value will use the Quicktime format.
startFrame: The start range of playback, default to playback toolbar start if -1.
lastFrame: The end range of playback, default to playback toolbar stop if -1.
withSound: Whether or not the movie will have sound.
resX: The horizontal resolution, default to preview resolution if -1.
resY: The vertical resolution default to preview resolution if -1.
dstPath: The output file location.
displayModule: The display module.
generateThumbnail: Whether or not to generate a thumbnail for the QuickTime.
thumbnailFrame: The frame to use for the thumbnail.
Returns true if a scene was exported to a QuickTime in the specified directory.

◆ getExportDir

String exporter::getExportDir ( )

Returns the path of the project export directory.

Returns the path of the project export directory.