Export to Video Dialog Box

The Export to Video dialog box lets you export your animation as a movie file.

If you added burn-in information to your scene, it will be included in your exported file—see Burn-In Node.

For tasks related to this dialog box, see Exporting a Movie File.

Parameter Description

Video Format

Allows you to choose one of the following movie formats:

  • QuickTime Movie (*.mov): The Apple QuickTime format. This is the default export format and is recommended for its portability, and also because it allows you to choose among several video codecs.

    • On Windows, Apple QuickTime must be installed to allow Harmony to export QuickTime movies. You can configure the export of QuickTime movies to use any codec that is compatible with QuickTime, including H.264, MPEG-4 and Animation.
    • On macOS, Harmony uses Apple AVFoundation to export QuickTime movies, which allows you to export using codecs such as H.264, Apple ProRes 422 and Apple ProRes 4444, among others.
    • If you are looking to export a QuickTime movie with transparency, be sure to choose a codec that supports encoding with an alpha channel.
    • On GNU/Linux, Harmony uses the OpenQuickTime library to export QuickTime movies. This only allows you to export videos in non-proprietary formats such as Motion-JPEG, Photo JPEG, PNG or Uncompressed (RGB).
  • H.264/MPEG-4 (*.mov) : A simple movie format that uses the H.264 codec, which is supported by most web browsers.

    • Using this format does not require additional software. However, if this is the first time you export a movie in H.264/MPEG-4 format, you will be prompted to download the OpenH264 library from Cisco. Simply click Yes when prompted, and Harmony will automatically download the library, then export the movie.
    • There are no encoding options for this format.
    • This format supports resolutions of up to 4096×2304. Each dimension must be a multiple of 16 pixels.
    • Audio exported in this format is encoded in PCM 16-bit stereo, 22.05 kHz.
  • Windows Media Video (*.wmv): The native format for Windows Media Player.

    • Windows Media Video (.wmv) files can only be exported on Windows.
    • Video players and editors on non-Windows systems can generally not open Windows Media Video (.wmv) files.

Output file

The full path and file name of the movie file to export.


Opens a dialog allowing you to browse to the desired export directory and enter the desired filename.

Display Source

Export from Display Node

Lets you select the display node from which to render your scene.

NOTE If there is no Display node in your scene, the only available option will be Display All. This renders all the nodes in your scene, including ones that are not connected to anything. You can add other Display nodes to your scene and connect them under specific parts of your scene to be able to render these parts only.

Export Range


Exports all the frames in your scene.


Allows you to specify the frame range to export using the two input fields to the right. The first input field is for specifying the first frame to export, and the second one is for specifying the last frame to export. All the frames in-between, including the ones specified, will be exported.


Resolution list

Allows you to specify a resolution to export in, relative to your scene's actual resolution:

  • Same as Scene Resolution: Exports a movie in the same resolution as your scene's resolution.
  • 3/4 of Scene Resolution: Exports a movie at 75% of the scene's width and height.
  • 1/2 of Scene Resolution: Exports a movie at 50% of the scene's width and height.
  • 1/4 of Scene Resolution: Exports a movie at 25% of the scene's width and height.
  • Custom: Allows you specify the preferred resolution of your exported video file, in pixels, in the Width and Height fields.

Width / Height

Lets you specify the width and height of video file you wish to export, in pixels. To preserve your scene's aspect ratio, changing the value of the Width or Height field will automatically update the other field with a proportional value.

Colour Space

The colour space in which to render your movie. The rendered frames will be converted from your scene’s working colour space to the selected colour space.

The following colour spaces are supported in Harmony:

  • Scene Working Colour Space:The same colour space as the one selected in the Colour Space tab of the Scene Settings dialog.
  • ACES2065-1: An ACES linear colour space that uses the AP0 colour primaries and is intended for image file interchange.
  • ACEScg: An ACES linear colour space that uses the AP1 colour primaries and is intended for CGI rendering and compositing.
  • Linear Rec.709 (sRGB): The colour space that uses the same primaries and white point as sRGB and Rec. 709, but with no gamma transfer curve applied to the colour values.
  • Linear Rec. 2020: A colour space used for Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV). It has a complex gamma transfer curve and primaries that cover more of the human-perceivable colour space than other colour spaces, especially in the area of human-perceivable greens.
  • Linear P3-D65: The same as Display P3, except with no gamma transfer curve. This colour space is useful for compositing intermediary images that are meant to be rendered in Display P3.
  • Display P3: A colour space commonly used for digital projection. It has the same primaries as DCI-P3, the same white point as sRGB and the same gamma transfer curve as sRGB.
  • Rec. 709: The colour space used for HDTV. It has the same primaries and white point as sRGB, but has a different gamma transfer curve.
  • Rec. 709 2.4: The same colour space as Rec. 709 or sRGB, except with a gamma transfer curve of 2.4 (per ITU-R BT.1886). This colour space exists because some editing systems use a gamma transfer curve of 2.4 instead of the standard gamma curve for Rec. 709.
  • Rec. 2020: A colour space used for Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV). It has a complex gamma transfer curve and primaries that cover more of the human-perceivable colour space than other colour spaces, especially in the area of human-perceivable greens.
  • Rec. 2020 2.4: The same colour space as Rec. 2020, except with a simple gamma transfer curve of 2.4 (per ITU-R BT.1886). This colour space exists because some editing systems use a gamma transfer curve of 2.4 instead of the standard gamma curve for Rec. 2020.
  • sRGB: A colour space typically used for standard computer monitors. It has the same primaries and white point as Rec. 709, but has a different gamma transfer curve.

Movie Options

Opens the movie settings dialog box for your selected video format, in which you can set the video and audio compression settings for your video file:

NOTE This button is available on Windows and macOS only.

Video Options

Opens the video settings dialog box, which allows you to set the video compression settings for your video file—see OpenQuickTime Video Options Dialog Box (GNU/Linux).

NOTE This button is available on GNU/Linux only.

Sound Options

Opens the audio settings dialog box, which allows you to set the audio compression settings for your video file—see OpenQuickTime Sound Options Dialog Box (GNU/Linux).

NOTE This button is available on GNU/Linux only.