
This module mainly provides functions to query drawing content.


(static) evaluateStrokes(arg)

Evaluates a list of strokes of a drawing at specified params. This method can be used to sample a drawing's strokes at regular parameters.
var arg = {
      drawing : {node: "Top/Drawing", frame: 1},
      art: 2,
      strokes : [{
         layer: 0, strokeIndex: 0, params : [ 0, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
 var evaluations = Drawing.query.evaluateStrokes(arg);
 // Here is an example result on a drawing consisting of a line 
 // segment going from roughly the origin to the top right cornerof the 12 fields grid.
 evaluations = [
      {"x":-4.234375,"y":12.703125,"t":0}, // Close to origin
      {"x":2469,"y":1842.21875,"t":1}  // Close to 2500, 1875
Name Type Description
arg EvaluateStrokesArgument A list or options.
Name Type Description
drawing Object The drawing descriptor.
strokes Array.<StrokeDescriptorAndParams> The list of stroke to evaluate with the param at which to evaluate them.
Name Type Description
layer int
strokeIndex int
params Array.<double>

(static) getBox(args)

Returns the bounding box of a drawing
var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
  if (!settings.currentDrawing) return;
  var config = {
     drawing  : settings.currentDrawing,
     art : settings.activeArt
  var box = Drawing.query.getBox(config);
  // Example return value:
  box = {
    "x0":-1062.765625, // min point x
    "x1":1984.84375,   // max point x
    "y0":-920.625,     // min point y
    "y1":1570.34375    // max point y
  // In the case of an empty drawing
  box = {"empty":true};  
Name Type Description
args DrawingQueryBasicArguments Dictionary of arguments

(static) getClosestPoint(args)

Returns the closest point in a drawing for a list of points
var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
if (!settings.currentDrawing) return;
var config = {
   drawing  : settings.currentDrawing,
   art : settings.activeArt,
   points: [{ x: 0, y: 0, maxDistanceSq: 10000 }, { x: 2500, y: 1875 }, { x : 10, y: 0}]
var closest = Drawing.query.getClosestPoint(config);
 // Example of a run with a drawing containing a pencil line that goes from roughly the origin and going
 // to roughly the top right corner of the 12 field grid.
 closest = 
      "x":0,  "y":0,
         "t":0,  // We can see that the closest point is at the extremity of the segment
         "t":1,  // We can see that the closest point is at the extremity of the segment
Name Type Description
args DrawingQueryBasicArguments Dictionary of arguments

(static) getData(args)

This function returns all the data of the drawing using contours and pencil strokes. This method differs from the Drawing.query.getStrokes() method. For example, it returns the color definitions and is thus more suitable to make export functions rather than vector drawing manipulations.
var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
    if (!settings.currentDrawing) return;
    var config = {
       drawing  : settings.currentDrawing
var data = Drawing.query.getData(config); 
// The data object can now be traversed to get all the layers, contour and strokes of the drawing.
// here is an example of the data returned on a black ellipse painted in red
// In the output below, the list of points for the bezier paths has been skipped
data = {  
   "box":{ // the box of the drawing
   "arts":[  // The list of non empty arts
                     "path":[   // skipped data
                     "path":[ // skipped data
   "colors":{   // The color definition of each color id
Name Type Description
args Object Dictionary of arguments.
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.

(static) getIntersections(args)


This example computes the intersection between a line starting at the origin and going to the top right corner of the 12 field grid with the current drawing.

 var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
 if (!settings.currentDrawing) return;
 var config = {
    drawing  : settings.currentDrawing,
    art : settings.activeArt,
    paths : [
       { polygon: true, path : [ {x: 0, y: 0}, {x : 2500, y: 1875}]}
 var intersection = Drawing.query.getIntersections(config);
// Here is an example of the return value of this method. 
// It returns an array of intersecting of intersections for each intersecting stroke.
intersections =
               "x0":1143.9253778337531,   // x0, y0, x1 and y1 are the raw evaluation 
               "y0":857.9440333753148,    // of the input path and the strokes at the intersection point.
               "t0":0.45757015113350125,  // The parameter t on the input path.
               "t1":4.9557816435768265,  // The parameter t on the intersected drawing stroke
               "x":1143.921875,          // The rounded intersection x
               "y":857.9375              // The rounded intersection y
Name Type Description
args DrawingQueryBasicArguments Dictionary of arguments

(static) getLayerStrokes(args)

This method is similar to Drawing.query.getStrokes. There is an additional layers parameter to specify which layer to return the strokes for. This could be used, for example in a function that would only modify the top layer of a drawing.
var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
    if (!settings.currentDrawing) return;
    var config = {
       drawing  : settings.currentDrawing,
       art : settings.activeArt,
       layers : [ 0 ]
  var strokes = Drawing.query.getLayerStrokes(config);
  // strokes will contain the same information as getStrokes but only for the wanted layers
Name Type Description
args Object Dictionary of arguments.
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.
art Object Art index.
layers Array List of layer indices.

(static) getNumberOfLayers(args)

Returns the number of layers in a drawing
var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
  if (!settings.currentDrawing) return;
  var config = {
     drawing  : settings.currentDrawing,
     art : settings.activeArt
  var numberOfLayers = Drawing.query.getNumberOfLayers(config);
  // Create a new drawing, make 2 brush strokes and run this script
  // Will make:
  numberOfLayers = 2;
Name Type Description
args Object Dictionary of arguments.
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.
art Object Art index.

(static) getStrokes(args) → {Object}

This function returns all the strokes of the drawing.

Example of a call to Drawing.getStrokes on the current drawing's active art. Refer to the Vector model description tutorial

  var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
  if (!settings.currentDrawing) return;
  var config = {
     drawing  : settings.currentDrawing,
     art : settings.activeArt
  var strokes = Drawing.query.getStrokes(config);
  // Here is an example of the returned value for an unbordered painted rectangle.
  // Refer to the tutorial on the vector model to know how to interpret this data
  strokes =
               "x":-1205.5625, "y":1004.15625,
                     "strokeIndex":0, "vertex":0
                     "strokeIndex":0,  "vertex":4
Name Type Description
args DrawingQueryBasicArguments Dictionary of arguments
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor
art int The art number