Surface Map Node

The Surface Map is part of the Surface Shading set of nodes. It is a more advanced version of the Normal Map node and system. It provides a surface mapping that is used by the Surface Normal, Cast Shadow and Ambient Occlusion nodes, and it allows you to define height ranges in a rig or a scene that help define the surface being lit and shaded.

This mapping is different from the Normal Map, as it allows for the height ranges to interact relative to each other. A Surface Map is able to Cast Shadows from one elevation to another and interacts within the scene in field units.

The Surface Map requires that Volume Objects be set up to appropriately define the surfaces. Once these Volume Objects have been created above the Surface Map, the map can be initialized.

NOTE For more information on how to use the Surface Shading set of nodes, see About Surface Shading.

Layer Properties

Parameter Description
Name The name of the node as it appears in the Node View and the Timeline view. Each node must have a name that is unique to its containing group.
Volume Creation

Allows you to add or remove Volume Object nodes that are connected to the Surface Map node to the Volume Creation list, so that you can specify their properties.

The drop-down menu will list every Volume Object node connected to the Surface Map node so that you can add them individually, as well as the following commands:

  • Add All Defined Objects: Adds all Volume Object nodes connected to the Surface Map node.
  • Remove Selected Objects: Removes all Volume Object nodes from the Volume Creation list.
Volume Creation list

Lists the different volume objects that are connected to the Surface Map node and which were added through the Object menu. In this list, you can define the basic volumetric shape and height range of each Volume Object node using the following fields:

  • Name: The name that was previously set in each Volume Object node. This information can be really helpful when there are many volume objects listed. With a good name, it is easy to identify to which Volume Object node the ID number relates.

    When you hover over this column, a tooltip appears listing all volume objects with the same ID. The star (*) denotes multiple Volume Objects share the same ID.

  • ID: The identity number that was previously set in the volume object node appears here. The tooltip in the ID column lists all drawing elements that are connected to the volume object with this identity number.
  • Bevel Size: Defines the size of the bevel on the contour of all the drawings related to a specific ID number. The bevel is applied by blurring the Volume Objects sharing the same ID.
  • Elevation Min: The Z position in Field Units at which the lowest point of the Volume is mapped. Any baseline height, or Carving values at 0% will be mapped to this minimum Z value. Otherwise, the surface height is mapped to an interpolated value between the Elevation Min and Elevation Max.
  • Elevation Max: The Z position in Field Units at which the highest point of the Volume is mapped. Any baseline height, or Carving values at 100% will be mapped to this maximum Z value. Otherwise, the surface height is mapped to an interpolated value between the Elevation Min and Elevation Max.
  • Elevation Smoothness: Complementary to the Elevation column. Instead of keeping a conical or pyramidal shape, the shape will be smoothed to create a sphere or a bump shape. The edge will be round instead of sharp.
Elevation Smoothness Multiplier A multiplier of the Elevation Smoothness value in the list. This affects every object listed.
Consider Truck Factor Keeps the same ratio for the Light Shading system when the camera zooms in or out.
Override Modelling by Colour
Add Colour

Allows you to add or remove a Override Modelling by Colour list below.

Zones that are painted with the colours added to the list will have more or less elevation. This allows you to use specific colours to carve from or add to the surface of the volume object, and add complexity to its surface.

You can draw with one of the colours in the list on the Colour Art or Underlay Art layer so that the colour itself is hidden behind the artwork in the Line Art layer. The shape of the zone painted with this colour will still affect the surface.

Override Modelling by Colour list

The list of colours that are used to override the surface of the volume object. Zones painted with the colours in this list will have a different elevation than the remainder of the volume object.

Whether the elevation of the surface painted by the colour is lower or higher, and by how much, is determined by the value in the Carving <------> Adding field for that colour. If that value is higher than the Volume Object’s Elevation Baseline parameter, then the zones painted with that colour will be more elevated. If the value is lower than the Volume Object’s Baseline parameter, then the zones painted with that colour will be less elevated.