Creating a Weighted Deformation with Envelopes

On its own the Envelope Deformation is designed to deform the contours of a drawings without affecting the width of its outline. This works very well with flat-colored cartoon drawings, but not with bitmap textures or detail-heavy drawings. Merely adding a Weighted Deform node to an envelope deformation chain will cause it to deform its textures evenly.

For example, here is an envelope deformation on a character’s hair, before and after adding a Weight Deform node to the deformation chain:

As you can see, the standard envelope deformation tends to make the borders of the drawing stick to it and to stretch them along its outlines, and then it deforms the inside of the drawing to fill the gaps. This is designed to deform cartoon drawings quickly without affecting the thickness of their outlines. In contrast, the weighted envelope deformation deforms the drawing evenly inside the envelope, creating better results with textured drawings.


Although using the Weighted Deform node with Envelope deformations produces better results with textured and detail-heavy drawings, it should be used with discretion:

  • A weighted envelope deformation has a heavier impact on application performance than a regular envelope deformation.
  • If the deformed drawing has outlines with an even thickness, the effect of the weighted envelope deformation may cause the outlines to stretch and have slight variations in their thickness.