Stopping and Restarting the License Server
If you need to uninstall or upgrade the product on the machine being used as a license server, you will need to stop the license server before proceeding.
If you are upgrading the product, you will need to start the license server again after you are done.
This procedure must be done using the configuration tools of your operating system. Hence, it is different depending on the platform of your license server.

- Open the Start menu and, in the Programs list, select Windows Administrative Tools > Services.
- Scroll down to the service named ToonBoomLicense.
- Right-click on the service and select Stop.
- Once you are ready to start the service again, right-click on the service again and select Start.

- Open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
Enter the following command to stop the license server:
> NET STOP ToonBoomLicense
Once you are ready to start the license serve again, type in the following command:
> NET START ToonBoomLicense

- Open a Terminal.
In the terminal, type in the following command to stop the license server:
$ sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toonboom.LicenseServer.plist
Once you are ready to start the license server again, type in the following command:
$ sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toonboom.LicenseServer.plist

- Open a Terminal.
- In the terminal, type in the following command to stop the license server:
For Harmony 15.0 or later:
$ sudo service toonboom_flexlm stop
For earlier versions:
$ sudo service USAnimation_flexlm stop
- Once you are ready to start the license server again, type in the following command:
For Harmony 15.0 or later:
$ sudo service toonboom_flexlm start
For earlier versions:
$ sudo service USAnimation_flexlm start