Workload Manager

Keeping track of how much work everyone has on their plate is an important part of a supervisor’s duties. An artist can get overwhelmed or late when tasked with too big of a workload. On the other hand, artists can end up waiting for work if too little has been assigned to them.

The Workload Manager is a tool specifically designed to address this need.

User Interface

Report Data

By default, Workload Reports will show a list of key assignees and their number of processes by their status of completion. Job and Scene details can be shown by expanding the rows. These headers can be reorganized to customize the way the data is displayed.

NOTE For more information about the Reports interface and how it can be customized, see User Interface in the Reports.

With this table, it is simple for managers to see how much work is remaining for specific people and whether tasks should be reassigned.

Reassign Selection

Unlike other types of reports, Workload Reports do not have a visual graph to display data.

Instead, there is a “Reassign Selection” section. This allows managers to reassign tasks in the case where assignees have too much or too little work on their plate.