Configuring WebCC

In order to perform operations in Harmony, Producer needs to establish a communication channel with Harmony Web Control Center (WebCC).

Communication between Producer and WebCC is done through a message queue which is configured in Producer. In short:

  • Producer sends a message (such as creating a scene) to its outgoing queue to WebCC.

  • WebCC, which monitors that queue, reads the message, and proceeds with the command. Once completed, it sends the result of the operation to a response queue, which is monitored by Producer.

  • Producer reads and processes that response (for instance, it may send an update to Producer Web interface to inform the user that the requested operation has completed)

In addition, WebCC will require workspaces to be configured in order to assemble assets into scenes.

When Working Remotely.

Please note that when Working from Home, an Exchange Folder will also need to be configured.

WebCC startup options


This section only describes WebCC configuration options related to Producer.

For information about how to configure and start WebCC, refer to Harmony Documentation WebCC Installation Guide.

Option Description
-producerAMQP <WebCC Queue>

Address of Producer message queue (can be found in Producer top right menu > General Settings > WebCC Queue

  1. Copy the “WebCC Queue” address (use the “Copy to clipboard” icon ).

  2. Add this to WebCC startup options, e.g: -producerAMQP amqs://

-producerCodes <list of producer project codes>

When working with multiple Harmony Databases, add -producerCodes parameter followed by the list of Producer project codes to be associated with the selected Harmony instance.

This is a more advanced (and optional) setting which requires configuring multiple projects in Producer, where each Producer project will write to a specific message queue, and each WebCC instance will point to one or more Producer projects.

For instance:

  • Harmony Server 1 => -amqpUrl -producerCodes main_project,project_2

  • Harmony Server 2 => -amqpUrl -producerCodes main_project,project_2

-exchange <path to exchange folder>

The “Exchange” folder is a folder where WebCC will deposit exported scenes, and users will upload scenes to be updated.

If not specified, the default location (/USA_DB/exchange) will be used.

It can be useful to change it:

  • when packages are transferred via a shared folder (synchronized between the server and the remote users) and Producer Offline Scenes setting is set to “Exchange Folder”.

  • when space in /USA_DB/ is an issue.

-exportFolder <path to zip folder>

The “Export” folder is a temporary location where exported scenes are compressed, and uploaded packages are uncompressed before importing the scenes.

If not specified, the default location (/USA_DB/zip_folder) will be used.

This option location may be changed if space in /USA_DB/ is an issue.

-jwtExpiry When Producer Offline Scenes setting is set to “Direct WebCC connection”, determines the time
NOTE When working remotely, WebCC cannot be started with the -noAuth option.


Producer makes use of workspaces to keep track of production resources locations. WebCC uses those workspaces when assembling assets into scenes.

A workspace is typically defined by an alias, associated to a real path on the filesystem.

WebCC reads the list of workspaces from /USA_DB/workspaces.json file, which can be generated manually or using Producer Link.