column Class Reference

The column JavaScript global object. Retrieve add or remove values from columns in your scene. More...

Public Slots

Column Data.
int numberOf ()
 Returns the number of columns in the scene. More...
String getName (int columnNumber)
 Returns the unique identifier that names the column. This is not the display name shown in the xsheet. More...
String getDisplayName (String columnName)
 Returns the displayable name (similar to the one displayed in the xsheet view) of a column. More...
ColorRGBA getColorForXSheet (String columnName)
 Returns the colour for the given column. More...
void resetColorForXSheet (String columnName)
 Resests the colour for an Xsheet column. More...
void setColorForXSheet (String columnName, ColorRGBA color)
 Sets the colour for an Xsheet column. More...
String type (String columnName)
 This function returns the column type. More...
String velocityType (String columnName)
 This function returns the column type of nested velocity. More...
String getEntry (String columnName, int subColumnIndex, double atFrame)
 Returns the value of a cell in a column. More...
bool isKeyFrame (String columnName, int subColumn, double atFrame)
 Returns true or false indicating if a cell in a column is a keyframe. More...
int getElementIdOfDrawing (String columnName)
 Returns the element id associated with a drawing column. More...
String getTextOfExpr (String columnName)
 Returns the expression text in the identified column. More...
Column Edition.
virtual bool add (String columnName, String columnType, String position=tr("BOTTOM"))
 Adds a column with the specified name and type. More...
virtual String generateAnonymousName ()
 Generate a unique anonymous name in the "ATV-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" format, which can be used in conjunction with column.add() to prevent name collisions. More...
virtual bool removeSoundColumn (String columnName)
 removes the sound column called name from the scene More...
virtual bool removeUnlinkedFunctionColumn (String columnName)
 Removes an unlinked function column called name from the scene. More...
bool rename (String oldName, String newName)
 Renames the specified column. More...
bool setEntry (String columnName, int subColumn, double atFrame, String value)
 Sets the value of a cell in a column. More...
bool setKeyFrame (String columnName, double atFrame)
 Makes a cell in a column a keyframe. More...
bool clearKeyFrame (String columnName, double atFrame)
 Removes a keyframe from a cell in a column. More...
Drawing Column Edition.
bool setElementIdOfDrawing (String columnName, int elementId)
 Links an empty Drawing column to an element. More...
String getDrawingType (String columnName, double atFrame)
 Returns a list of all drawing types used in the drawing column. K = key drawings, I = inbetween, B = breakdown. More...
void setDrawingType (String columnName, double atFrame, String drawingType)
 Sets the Drawing type at frame f from column col to be newType. More...
StringList getDrawingColumnList ()
 Retrieves the list of names of drawing timing columns. More...
StringList getColumnListOfType (String type)
 Retrieves the list of names of timing columns of the given type. More...
StringList getDrawingTimings (String columnName)
 Retrieves the list of timings used in a drawing column. More...
int getNextKeyDrawing (String columnName, int startFrame)
 Returns the next key drawing in a drawing column. More...
int getCurrentVersionForDrawing (String columnName, String timingName)
 Retrieves the current version of a timing. More...
bool importSound (String columnName, int atFrame, String soundFilePath)
 Import a sound file in the specified column at the specified frame. This function returns a Boolean indicating the success of the operation. More...
Expression Column Edition.
bool setTextOfExpr (String columnName, String text)
 Sets the value in the Expression column to the specified text. More...
String getDrawingName (String columnName, int frame)
 Returns the drawing name for the specified column at the specified frame. More...
Move Columns.
int getPos (String columnName)
 Returns the column's position in the XSheet View. More...
void move (int columnFrom, int columnTo)
 Sets the column at position columnFrom to position columnTo. More...
void update ()
 Updates the XSheet with all newly added and moved columns. More...
String selected ()
 Returns the name of the selected column in the XSheet view, including annotation columns. More...


String generateTiming (String columnName, double forFrame, bool fileExists)
 Returns a timing created for the given column at the given frame. More...
bool createDrawing (String columnName, String timing)
 Creates an empty drawing in the specified column. More...
bool renameDrawing (String columnName, String oldTiming, String newTiming)
 Renames the specified drawing to the new name, in the specified column. More...
bool renameDrawingWithPrefix (String columnName, String oldTiming, String prefix)
 Prepends the prefix to the drawing name in the specified column. More...
bool deleteDrawingAt (String columnName, int frame)
 Deletes the drawing at the specified frame in the specified column. More...
bool duplicateDrawingAt (String columnName, int frame)
 Duplicates the drawing at the specified frame in the specified column. More...
bool addKeyDrawingExposureAt (String columnName, int frame)
 Adds a key drawing exposure at the specified frame in the specified column. More...
bool removeKeyDrawingExposureAt (String columnName, int frame)
 Removes a key drawing exposure at the specified frame in the specified column. More...
bool removeDuplicateKeyDrawingExposureAt (String columnName, int frameNumber)
 Removes duplicate key drawing exposure at the specified frame in the specified column. More...
bool fillEmptyCels (String columnName, int startFrame, int endFrame)
 Fill with previous exposed drawings for the given range of frame. More...
bool lineTestFill (String columnName, int startFrame, int nbFrames, String prefix, bool keyFramesOnly)
 Fills the drawings from startFrame to startFrame+nbFrames with drawing duplicates named with a prefix. More...
QObject * soundColumn (String &columnName)
 Returns a column object that contains a reference to that sound column. The column object contains a useful interface to introspecting the sound and its sound sequences. More...
columnMarkers columnMarkers (String &columnName)
 Returns the column marker interface for the given column. More...
QScriptValue getTimesheetEntry (String &columnName, int subColumn, double atFrame)
 Returns an object containing timesheet values for the column and frame requested. That object will have those properties: displayText, heldFrame, emptyCell, isCtrlPnt, isSymbol. More...
QImage getImageBlock (String &columnName, int startFrame, int nbFrames)
 Returns the annotation image for a given column, for the range of frames requested. The returned image is filled to include empty frames, so it can be easily aligned by client scripts. More...

Detailed Description

The column JavaScript global object. Retrieve add or remove values from columns in your scene.

The function below prints information about each column in your scene. For example, one line of output may be ' element = 2 drawingcolumn (DRAWING) myColumn myElement'.

function printColumnInfo()
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
var line;
var name = column.getName(i);
var displayName = column.getDisplayName(name);
var type = column.type(name);
var line = i + " " + name + "(" + type + ") " + displayName;
if (type == "DRAWING")
line += " element = "

The function below adds a new annotation column to the XSheet, and moves it to the left most position.

function addAnnotationColumn()
column.add("Note", "ANNOTATION");
var currentPosition = column.getPos("Note");
column.move(currentPosition, 0);

Member Function Documentation

◆ add

virtual bool column::add ( String  columnName,
String  columnType,
String  position = tr("BOTTOM") 

Adds a column with the specified name and type.

columnNameThe name of the column
columnTypeThe type of column you want to add. You can add any of the following: DRAWING, SOUND, 3DPATH, BEZIER, EASE, EXPR (for expression), TIMING, QUARTERNION, ANNOTATION and FILE_LIBRARY.
whether the operation was successful

Example usage:

column.add ("ATV-0000000000000501", "FILE_LIBRARY" );

◆ addKeyDrawingExposureAt

bool column::addKeyDrawingExposureAt ( String  columnName,
int  frame 

Adds a key drawing exposure at the specified frame in the specified column.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
frame: The frame number.
Returns true if successful.

◆ clearKeyFrame

bool column::clearKeyFrame ( String  columnName,
double  atFrame 

Removes a keyframe from a cell in a column.

columnName: The name of the column.
atFrame: The frame number where you want to clear the keyframe.
Returns true if successful.

◆ columnMarkers

columnMarkers column::columnMarkers ( String &  columnName)

Returns the column marker interface for the given column.

columnNameThe name of the column for which to get the column marker.
A reference to the columns' marker manager.

◆ createDrawing

bool column::createDrawing ( String  columnName,
String  timing 

Creates an empty drawing in the specified column.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
timing: The timing as shown in the xsheet.
Returns true if successful.

◆ deleteDrawingAt

bool column::deleteDrawingAt ( String  columnName,
int  frame 

Deletes the drawing at the specified frame in the specified column.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
frame: The frame number.
Returns true if successful.

◆ duplicateDrawingAt

bool column::duplicateDrawingAt ( String  columnName,
int  frame 

Duplicates the drawing at the specified frame in the specified column.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
frame: The frame number.
Returns true if successful.

◆ fillEmptyCels

bool column::fillEmptyCels ( String  columnName,
int  startFrame,
int  endFrame 

Fill with previous exposed drawings for the given range of frame.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
startFrame: The starting frame.
endFrame: The ending frame, just after the last filled frame.
Returns true if successful.

◆ generateAnonymousName

virtual String column::generateAnonymousName ( )

Generate a unique anonymous name in the "ATV-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" format, which can be used in conjunction with column.add() to prevent name collisions.

The unique anonymous name string

Example usage:

var colName = column.generateAnonymousName();

◆ generateTiming

String column::generateTiming ( String  columnName,
double  forFrame,
bool  fileExists 

Returns a timing created for the given column at the given frame.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
forFrame: The desired frame to generate a timing for.
fileExists: True if the file exists already.
Returns a timing created for the given column at the given frame.

◆ getColorForXSheet

ColorRGBA column::getColorForXSheet ( String  columnName)

Returns the colour for the given column.

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns the colour for the given column.

◆ getColumnListOfType

StringList column::getColumnListOfType ( String  type)

Retrieves the list of names of timing columns of the given type.

type: The type of column string,i.e."DRAWING".
Returns the list of names of timing columns of the given type.

◆ getCurrentVersionForDrawing

int column::getCurrentVersionForDrawing ( String  columnName,
String  timingName 

Retrieves the current version of a timing.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
timingName: The timing as shown in the xsheet.
Returns the current version of a timing.

◆ getDisplayName

String column::getDisplayName ( String  columnName)

Returns the displayable name (similar to the one displayed in the xsheet view) of a column.

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns the displayable name of a column.

◆ getDrawingColumnList

StringList column::getDrawingColumnList ( )

Retrieves the list of names of drawing timing columns.

Returns the list of names of drawing timing columns.

◆ getDrawingName

String column::getDrawingName ( String  columnName,
int  frame 

Returns the drawing name for the specified column at the specified frame.

columnName: The name of the column.
frame: The frame number.
Returns the drawing name for the specified column at the specified frame.

◆ getDrawingTimings

StringList column::getDrawingTimings ( String  columnName)

Retrieves the list of timings used in a drawing column.

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns the list of timings used in a drawing column.

◆ getDrawingType

String column::getDrawingType ( String  columnName,
double  atFrame 

Returns a list of all drawing types used in the drawing column. K = key drawings, I = inbetween, B = breakdown.

columnName: The name of the column.
atFrame: The frame number.
Returns the drawing type in the drawing column at the given frame.

◆ getElementIdOfDrawing

int column::getElementIdOfDrawing ( String  columnName)

Returns the element id associated with a drawing column.

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns the element id associated with a drawing column.

◆ getEntry

String column::getEntry ( String  columnName,
int  subColumnIndex,
double  atFrame 

Returns the value of a cell in a column.

columnName: name of column
subColumnIndex: The index of the sub-column. Only 3D Path columns support sub-column. They have sub-columns for the X, Y, Z and velocity values on the 3D Path. Each sub-column has an index:
  • X = 1
  • Y = 2
  • Z = 3
  • Velocity = 4
atFrame: The frame number that you want to retrieve the value from.
Returns the value of a cell in a column.

◆ getImageBlock

QImage column::getImageBlock ( String &  columnName,
int  startFrame,
int  nbFrames 

Returns the annotation image for a given column, for the range of frames requested. The returned image is filled to include empty frames, so it can be easily aligned by client scripts.

columnNameName of the column.
startFrameThe starting frame.
nbFramesThe desired length.

◆ getName

String column::getName ( int  columnNumber)

Returns the unique identifier that names the column. This is not the display name shown in the xsheet.

columnNumber: This is an integer that represents the numerical value of the column. This integer is between 0 and column.numberOf.
Returns the unique identifier that names the column.

◆ getNextKeyDrawing

int column::getNextKeyDrawing ( String  columnName,
int  startFrame 

Returns the next key drawing in a drawing column.

columnName: The name of the column.
startFrame: This is the frame number that specifies the search start point.
Returns the starting frame of the next key drawing in a drawing column.

◆ getPos

int getPos ( String  columnName)

Returns the column's position in the XSheet View.

This is between 0 and column.numberOf()-1, and is different than the column's index.

columnName: The name of the column to get the position of.
the column's position in the XSheet View.

◆ getTextOfExpr

String column::getTextOfExpr ( String  columnName)

Returns the expression text in the identified column.

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns the expression text in the identified column.

◆ getTimesheetEntry

QScriptValue column::getTimesheetEntry ( String &  columnName,
int  subColumn,
double  atFrame 

Returns an object containing timesheet values for the column and frame requested. That object will have those properties: displayText, heldFrame, emptyCell, isCtrlPnt, isSymbol.

columnNamename of the column.
subColumnThe number value of the sub-column. This only exists in the case of 3D Path columns, which include a group of sub-columns for the X, Y, Z and velocity values on the 3D Path. Each sub-column has a number: X=1 Y=2 Z=3 Velocity = 4
atFrameThe frame number.

◆ importSound

bool column::importSound ( String  columnName,
int  atFrame,
String  soundFilePath 

Import a sound file in the specified column at the specified frame. This function returns a Boolean indicating the success of the operation.

columnName: The name of the column.
atFrame: The frame number.
soundFilePath: The path to the sound file.
Returns true if successful.

◆ isKeyFrame

bool column::isKeyFrame ( String  columnName,
int  subColumn,
double  atFrame 

Returns true or false indicating if a cell in a column is a keyframe.

columnName: name of column
subColumn: The number value of the sub-column. This only exists in the case of 3D Path columns, which include a group of sub-columns for the X, Y, Z and velocity values on the 3D Path. Each sub-column has a number:
  • X = 1
  • Y = 2
  • Z = 3
  • Velocity = 4
atFrame: The frame number that you want to retrieve the value from.
Returns true if the cell in a column is a keyframe.

◆ lineTestFill

bool column::lineTestFill ( String  columnName,
int  startFrame,
int  nbFrames,
String  prefix,
bool  keyFramesOnly 

Fills the drawings from startFrame to startFrame+nbFrames with drawing duplicates named with a prefix.

columnName: The name of the column.
startFrame: The starting frame.
nbFrames: The desired length.
prefix: The desired prefix.
keyFramesOnly: It will perform this operation only on drawings marked as "K" if keyOnly is true.
Returns true if successful.

◆ move

void move ( int  columnFrom,
int  columnTo 

Sets the column at position columnFrom to position columnTo.

Retrieve the position of a column with getPos(). The position of a column is not the same as it's index.

columnFrom: The position of the column you want to move in the XSheet.
columnTo: The position the column will be moved to.

◆ numberOf

int column::numberOf ( )

Returns the number of columns in the scene.

Returns the number of columns in the scene.

◆ removeDuplicateKeyDrawingExposureAt

bool column::removeDuplicateKeyDrawingExposureAt ( String  columnName,
int  frameNumber 

Removes duplicate key drawing exposure at the specified frame in the specified column.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
frameNumber: The frame number.
Returns true if successful.

◆ removeKeyDrawingExposureAt

bool column::removeKeyDrawingExposureAt ( String  columnName,
int  frame 

Removes a key drawing exposure at the specified frame in the specified column.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
frame: The frame number.
Returns true if successful.

◆ removeSoundColumn

virtual bool column::removeSoundColumn ( String  columnName)

removes the sound column called name from the scene

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns true if successful.

◆ removeUnlinkedFunctionColumn

virtual bool column::removeUnlinkedFunctionColumn ( String  columnName)

Removes an unlinked function column called name from the scene.

In order to unlink the function column from it's module, use node.unlinkAttr on it first.

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns true if successful.

◆ rename

bool column::rename ( String  oldName,
String  newName 

Renames the specified column.

oldName: The original name of the column you want to change.
newName: The new name of the column.
Returns true if successful.

◆ renameDrawing

bool column::renameDrawing ( String  columnName,
String  oldTiming,
String  newTiming 

Renames the specified drawing to the new name, in the specified column.

columnName: The name of the drawing column.
oldTiming: The old timing as shown in the xsheet.
newTiming: The desired timing as shown in the xsheet.
Returns true if successful.

◆ renameDrawingWithPrefix

bool column::renameDrawingWithPrefix ( String  columnName,
String  oldTiming,
String  prefix 

Prepends the prefix to the drawing name in the specified column.

columnName: The name of drawing the column.
oldTiming: The old timing as shown in the xsheet.
prefix: The new prefix.
Returns true if successful.

◆ resetColorForXSheet

void column::resetColorForXSheet ( String  columnName)

Resests the colour for an Xsheet column.

Ex. resets a pure RED colour object and sets this colour to the column name Drawing

var colId = node.linkedColumn(nodeName, "DRAWING.ELEMENT");
columnName: The name of the column.

◆ selected

String column::selected ( )

Returns the name of the selected column in the XSheet view, including annotation columns.

◆ setColorForXSheet

void column::setColorForXSheet ( String  columnName,
ColorRGBA  color 

Sets the colour for an Xsheet column.

Ex. create a pure RED colour object and sets this colour to the column name Drawing

var c = new ColorRGBA( 255,0,0);
column.setColorForXSheet( "Drawing", c );
columnName: The name of the column.
color: A colour object of type Color.

◆ setDrawingType

void column::setDrawingType ( String  columnName,
double  atFrame,
String  drawingType 

Sets the Drawing type at frame f from column col to be newType.

K = key drawings, I = inbetween, B = breakdown

columnName: The name of the column.
atFrame: The frame number.
drawingType: K = key drawings, I = inbetween, B = breakdown.

◆ setElementIdOfDrawing

bool column::setElementIdOfDrawing ( String  columnName,
int  elementId 

Links an empty Drawing column to an element.

columnName: The name of the column.
elementId: The id of the element you want to link to the column.
Returns true if successful.

◆ setEntry

bool column::setEntry ( String  columnName,
int  subColumn,
double  atFrame,
String  value 

Sets the value of a cell in a column.

columnName: The name of the column
subColumnThe number value of the sub-column. This only exists in the case of 3D Path columns, which include a group of sub-columns for the X, Y, Z and velocity values on the 3D Path. Each sub-column has a number: X=1 Y=2 Z=3 Velocity = 4
atFrameThe frame number that you want to retrieve the value from.
value: the new value
whether the operation was successful

Example usage:

column.setEntry("ATV-0000000000000501", 1, 1, "scripts");

◆ setKeyFrame

bool column::setKeyFrame ( String  columnName,
double  atFrame 

Makes a cell in a column a keyframe.

columnName: The name of the column.
atFrame: The frame number where you want to set the keyframe.
Returns true if successful.

◆ setTextOfExpr

bool column::setTextOfExpr ( String  columnName,
String  text 

Sets the value in the Expression column to the specified text.

columnName: The name of the column.
text: The expression text.
Returns true if successful.

◆ soundColumn

QObject* column::soundColumn ( String &  columnName)

Returns a column object that contains a reference to that sound column. The column object contains a useful interface to introspecting the sound and its sound sequences.

columnName: The name of the sound column.
Returns a SoundColumnInterface object that contains a reference to that sound column.

◆ type

String column::type ( String  columnName)

This function returns the column type.

There are nine column types: drawing (DRAWING), sound (SOUND), 3D Path (3DPATH), Bezier Curve (BEZIER), Ease Curve (EASE), Expression (EXPR), Timing (TIMING) for timing columns, Quaternion path (QUATERNIONPATH) for 3D rotation and Annotation (ANNOTATION) for annotation columns.

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns the column type.

◆ update

void update ( )

Updates the XSheet with all newly added and moved columns.

update() needs to be called before moving a newly added column.

◆ velocityType

String column::velocityType ( String  columnName)

This function returns the column type of nested velocity.

If column is of 3D Path (3DPATH) type, retrieve nested velocity type. Either Bezier Curve (BEZIER) or Ease Curve (EASE).

columnName: The name of the column.
Returns the column type of nested velocity.