
This module provides functions to query drawing content. It contains these submodules: geometry and query.


(static) getMetaData(args)

Each drawig has a set of metadata that can be defined and retrieved. These metadata are stored in the drawing file. Each metadata is assigned to a key.

This example will retrieve the metada of the current drawing associated to owner "com.mycompany.scripting".

 var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
 var config = {
    drawing  : settings.currentDrawing,
    owner : "com.mycompany.script"
 var metadata = Drawing.getMetaData(config);
Name Type Description
args Object Dictionary of arguments.
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.
owner String The metada data unique identifier. It is strongly suggested to use reverse DNS to make sure your key is not conflicting with another one.

(static) getModificationCounter(args)

At any time, a drawing has a modification counter. No drawing can have the same modification counter. When a drawing changes, this counter increases. Capturing this can be useful for situation where a complex computation needs to be cached until the drawing is changed.

This example will retrieve the modification counter of the current drawing or false if there is no current drawing.

  var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
  var config = {
     drawing  : settings.currentDrawing
  var counter = Drawing.getModificationCounter(config);
 // If there are no current drawing
 counter = false;
 // example of returned value
 counter = 59;
 // Add a brush in the drawing... and run the example again
 counter = 72;
Name Type Description
args Object Dictionary of arguments.
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.

(static) getPivot(args)

Returns the drawing pivot.

This example will retrieve the drawing pivot.

  var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
  var config = {
     drawing  : settings.currentDrawing
  var pivot = Drawing.getPivot(config);
  // Example of return value
  pivot = {
    x: 534.2, y: 20.1
  pivot = false; // If the drawing is invalid.
Name Type Description
args Object Dictionary of arguments.
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.

(static) setMetaData(args)


This example will store and retrieve some metadata from the current drawing. One of is value is a complex object stored as a JSON string.

 var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
 var complexObject = {
    strings : [ "a", "b"],
    a : 12
 var arguments = {
   owner: "com.mycompany.script",
   drawing: settings.currentDrawing,
   metadata: [
      { key: "key1", value: "1"}, 
      { key: "key2", value: "2"},
      { key: "key3", value: JSON.stringify(complexObject)}
 var retrieved = Drawing.getMetaData({ drawing : arguments.drawing, owner : arguments.owner});

 // The key/value at index 2 is a complex object. Parse it.
 if (retrieved)
    retrieved[2].value = JSON.parse(retrieved[2].value);
 System.println("retrieved: " + JSON.stringify(retrieved));
// console displays:
// retrieved: [{"key":"key1","value":"1"},{"key":"key2","value":"2"},{"key":"key3","value":{"strings":["a","b"],"a":12}}]
Name Type Description
args Objet Dictionary of arguments
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.
owner String The metada data unique identifier. It is strongly suggested to use reverse DNS to make sure your key is not conflicting with another one.
metadata Array An array of key/value pairs. The key and value must be strings. If you want to store a more complex object, you can store its JSON representation using JSON.stringify() and restore it on reading using JSON.parse().

(static) setPivot(args)

Returns the drawing pivot.

This example will retrieve the drawing pivot and increate the x coordinate and set it.

  var settings = Tools.getToolSettings();
  var config = {
     drawing  : settings.currentDrawing
  var pivot = Drawing.getPivot(config);
  System.println("pivot before = " + JSON.stringify(pivot, null, ' ') + ";");   
  pivot.x += 100;
  config.pivot = pivot;
  pivot = Drawing.getPivot(config);
  System.println("pivot after = " + JSON.stringify(pivot, null, ' ') + ";");   
Name Type Description
args Object Dictionary of arguments.
Name Type Description
drawing Object Drawing descriptor.
pivot Object Pivot object.
Name Type Description
x Object X coordinate of pivot.
y Object Y coordinate of pivot.