Skinning View


The Skinning View allows you to manage and edit the skins you create for your assets. It is especially useful when you want to switch to different costumes or props on a character while continuing to use the same animation.

Parameter Description
Skin Nodes

This column shows you which drawing layers are defined as Skin Nodes and which group they are assigned to.


This column refers to the node path in the Node View and Timeline.


This column shows which skin is applied to the group.

Skin nodes

To create a skin, you first need to define Skin Nodes and then change their exposure based on which Skin you expose. This step is best done before animation, when all the substitution drawings in the rig are complete.

Parameter Description
Move Skin Nodes

Group/Ungroup Skin Nodes to an existing group.

Create New Group

Create a new group and group the selected Skin Nodes to the newly created group.

Global Manipulators

Skin nodes can be added to a Global Manipulator and when that manipulator is selected, changes or actions will be applied globally (to every Skin node).

Parameter Description
Toggle Skin Nodes

Toggle if a selected drawing layer is defined as a Skin Node.

Save Skin

Save the skins on the Skin Nodes.

Drop-down List

Use the list to change the Global Skin to a different skin or to an empty one.

Add Global Skin Create a new Global Skin that will be applied to every Skin Node.
Rename Global Skin Rename the selected Global Skin.
Delete Global Skin Delete a Global Skin.

Group Manipulators

Skin nodes can be added to a Group Manipulator and when that manipulator is selected, changes or actions will be only be applied inside a specific group.

Group Manipulators are available when at least one group is selected in the Skin Node List.

Parameter Description
Add Group Skin

Create a new Group Skin that will be applied to the Skin Nodes of the selected groups.

Remove Group Skin

Remove a Skin from the Skin Nodes of the selected group. This will delete the whole skin if there are no Skin Nodes applied to that skin in the scene.

Drop-down List

Use the list to change the selected Group's Skin to a different skin or to an empty one.

Rename Group Rename the selected groups.
Delete Group

Delete the groups. The Skin Nodes associated to the groups will be ungrouped.