Export Snapshot

Sometimes you may want to digitally save one specific shot of your animation, perhaps rough sketches for your workflow or a polished scene for promotional purposes. The best way to produce this render is by exporting a snapshot.

To export a snapshot:

1. In the Timeline or Exposure view, select the location in your animation where you are able to frame the image that you want render perfectly in the Camera view.
2. Select File > Export Snapshot.

The Snapshot dialog box opens.

3. From the Snapshot dialog box, browse to the location on your computer where you want to save your work and rename your image accordingly.
4. Click Save.
5. In the Snapshot dialog box, click Options.

The Export Image Sequence Settings dialog box opens.


This is the same dialog box that would appear if you were rendering an Image Sequence through the Export Movie process, however only the format option applies as you are only rendering one image.

6. From the Format list, select the format type.
7. Click OK.
8. Browse to the location on your computer where you saved your snapshot and double-click to view it.