Importing a Movie

There are several reasons why you may need to import a movie into your animation project— to create a rotoscope animation, add 2D animation to a live video or incorporate a television showing a program inside your scene.

Studio allows you to import several movie types into your project:

You can also import a SWF movie file—see Importing from Adobe Flash.


Importing a Bitmap Movie File

AVI, M4V, MPG and QuickTime movies have one thing in common. They are all bitmap movie files. When they are imported into Studio, a bitmap image sequence is created.

To import an AVI, M4V, MPG or QuickTime movie:

1. Select File > Import File.

The Open browser opens.

2. Browse for your video file and click Open.

The Import Options dialog box opens.

3. In the Import Options dialog box, set the Movie Import Options:
Set Opacity Value: Sometimes you want to import a movie as a reference and you would like it to have a specific transparency value. Select this option to edit the opacity value of the movie.
Opacity% (1-100%): When the Set Opacity Value option is selected , the Opacity% field becomes available. Type in the desired Opacity% value from 1 to 100.
4. Click OK.

The video appears on its own image layer in the Timeline and Exposure Sheet view as a bitmap image sequence.

Importing a Movie in an Existing Image Layer

You can import a bitmap movie file in an already existing image layer.

To import a movie as an image sequence:

1. In the Timeline or Exposure Sheet view, select the cell on which you want your movie to start playing.
2. Right-click in the cell and select Import Movie File as Image Sequence.

The Open browser opens.

3. Browse for your movie file and click Open.

The Import Options dialog box opens.


4. In the Import Options dialog box, set the Movie Import Options:
Set Opacity Value: Sometimes you want to import a movie as a reference and you would like it to have a specific transparency value. Select this option to edit the opacity value of the movie.
Opacity% (1-100%): When the Set Opacity Value option is selected , the Opacity% field becomes available. Type in the desired Opacity% value from 1 to 100.
5. Click OK.

The image sequence appears in the image layer at the selected starting cell.