Merge Settings Dialog Box

The Merge Settings dialog box allows you to select the settings that are used to merge modified panels from a linked project into your current project in the Project Management view.

These settings will be automatically used when you select a project in the Project Management view, then click on the Merge Modified Panels from Selected Project button just above the project list.


If you never opened the Merge Settings dialog before, it will appear the first time you click on the Merge Modified Panels from Selected Project button.

Once you've confirmed your merge settings, they will be automatically applied the next time you click on Merge Modified Panels from Selected Project, and the dialog will only appear if you click on Merge Settings from that point on.

Name Description
Select which panels to merge

There are two ways to select which panels from the selected project should be merged to the current project:

  • Merge Most Recent: Merges every panel in the selected project that has been modified later than its corresponding panel in the current project.

    To do this, it checks the date and time of the last modification made on each panel in the selected project. If this date and time is later than that of the last modification date on the corresponding panel in the current project, the panel will be merged.

  • Merge Tracked Panels: If you have tracked your changes in the selected project, you can select this option to merge every panel in the selected project that is marked as changed.
Merge Existing Scenes Only

By default, if any scene in the selected project does not exist in the current project, those scenes are added at the end of the current project. You can check this option to prevent this, and only merge new panels in existing scenes as well as changes to existing panels.

This option can be useful if you want to merge the changes from a source project into a smaller project that was extracted from it.

Respect Locked Audio Tracks

Ensures that the sound clips in locked audio tracks do not get moved to remain synchronized with their respective panels.

Preserve Captions in Current Project

Do not replace the captions in the current project with captions in the selected project.

Replace Artwork Only

Replaces the artwork in the master project with the artwork in the imported projects, but does not adjust the timing of panels and scenes in the animatic.

NOTE Layer transformations and animations in the master project will still be replaced by layer transformations and animations in the imported projects unless the Preserve Layer Transformations in Master Project option is enabled.
Preserve Layer Transformations in Current Project

With the Replace Artwork Only option enabled, layer transformations in the master project are still replaced by the layer transformations and animations in the imported projects by default. With this option enabled, drawings in the master project will be replaced, but not the transformations and animations on their layers.

OK Confirm the merge settings and close the dialog box.
Cancel Undo changes to the merge settings and close the dialog box.