Naming Preferences

Parameter Description

Scene/Sequence Name

Automatically Add Leading Zeros

Automatically adds a zero before the scene or sequence name.

Increment Name By

Lets you define the increment number. By default, when adding a new sequence, the increment is 1.

Incremental Naming on Copy

By default, when copying a sequence, the copy retains the same numbering as the original but with an added suffix. For example, the copy of sequence 2 would be named 2_A.

When this option is selected, the copy of the sequence will be named using the next available sequence number following the established increment rule. For example, the copy of sequence 2, would be called sequence 3.

Minimum Number of Characters

Determines the minimum number of characters the scene names will contain when using leading zeros.

Resolution Suffix

Lets you set the suffix pattern to use when a suffix is added to a new scene when the name is already in use.

You can choose the punctuation mark preceding the suffix from the first drop-down menu:

None: Suffix appears immediately following the name of the scene. For example: 12A.
_: Suffix appears after an underscore. For example: 12_A.
.: Suffix appears after a period. For example: 12.A.

You can choose which type of suffix to use:

Auto: Uses an upper case alphabetical suffix. Once the suffix reaches Z, it will start again at A, preceeded by a number. Example: 12_A, 12_B, (...), 12_1A, 12_1B, and so on.
Numerical: Uses a numerical suffix. For example: 12_1, 12_2, and so on.
Uppercase: Uses an upper case alphabetical suffix. For example: 12_A, 12_B, and so on.
Lowercase: Uses a lower case alphabetical suffix. For example: 12_a, 12_b, and so on.


Automatically Add Leading Zeros

When creating a panel, this ensures that the panel's name uses a minimum amount of digits, set by the Minimum Number of Characters preference. If the panel's number doesn't require enough digits, zeroes will be added before its name to make sure it uses the right amount of digits.

For example, by default, the panels in a scene with three panels would be named 1, 2 and 3. If you enable this preference and set the Minimum Number of Characters to 3, those panels would be named 001, 002 and 003. However, panel #10 would be named 010, and panel #100 would be named 100.

Minimum Number of Characters If the Automatically Add Leading Zeros preference is enabled, this preference is used to set the amount of digits to use when naming panels.
Increment name by

By default, panel names are incremented by 1. You can enable this option to increment panel names by a specific amount. For example, if you set this option to 10, panels in a given scene will be named 10, 20, 30, etc.

The purpose of this option is to preserve panel numbers when inserting a panel between two existing panels. When this option is disabled, if you create a panel between two existing panels, the new panel will be named based on the number of the previous panel + 1, and subsequent panels will be renamed to keep their numbers in sequence. However, when this option is enabled, panels inserted between two existing panels will be named using the number that is the average of the previous and next panels, rounded down. For example, if you create a panel between panel 10 and panel 20, this panel will be named 15. If you create another panel between panel 10 and 20, this panel will be named 12.

Panel Auto-increment Rule

By default, panel names are named using numbers. This preference allows you to select a different naming rule, most of which use letters instead:
  • 1, 2, 3... : Uses decimal numbers composed of Arabic numerals to name panels.
  • A ... Z, AA ... ZZ, AAA ... ZZZ, AAAA ... : This is a positional letter-based notation, which means it works similarly to decimal numbers, except it uses letters instead of Arabic numerals, making the panel numbers use base 26 instead of base 10. For example, panels 1 through 26 are named using single letters from A to Z, after that comes AA, then AB, and so on until AZ, and after that comes BA, BB, etc.
  • A ... Z, ZA ... ZZ, ZAA ... ZZZ, ZAAA ... : This notation uses two different logics: After the first time the panel names cycle through the whole alphabet, a single Z is added at the beginning of the panel names, and subsequent panels are named ZA to ZZ. Every letter after that first Z make up a 26-based number in positional notation, just like the previous option. Therefore, panels 1 through 26 are named using single letters from A to Z, then after that comes ZA, ZB, and so on until ZZ, and after that comes ZAA, ZAB, and so on until ZAZ, and after that comes ZBA, ZBB, etc.

    In summary, the first Z is essentially an exceptional notation that means 26, while the other letters constitute a number in base 26 positional notation.

  • A ... Z, ZA ... ZZ, ZZA ... ZZZ, ZZZA ... : Each time the panel names cycle through the alphabet, a Z is added at the beginning of the panel's name and the last letter in the name cycles from Z back to A. The Zs at the beginning of the notation accumulate, meaning that the amount of Zs at the beginning of the panel's name indicates the amount of time panel names have cycled through the whole alphabet.

    In summary, the value of this notation is equal to the sum of each letter's position in the alphabet.

  • A ... Z, ZA ... ZZ, 2ZA ... 2ZZ, 3ZA ... : Each time the panel names reach Z, a Z is added at the beginning of the panel's name and the last letter in the name cycles back to A. Those Zs accumulate. However, when more than one Z is present at the beginning of the panel's name, they are notated by a number followed by the letter Z, instead of by multiple Zs. Hence, the number preceding the Z at the beginning of the panel's name indicates the amount of times panel names have cycled through the whole alphabet.

    In summary, the value of this notation is equal to 26 × the number preceding the first Z added to the position of the last letter in the alphabet.

Allow Custom Panel Names

By default, it is not possible to rename panels in Storyboard Pro, but you can change this behaviour if needed. Once you select this option, the Storyboard > Rename Panel command, as well as the Panel name field in the Panel view become active—see About the Storyboard Structure.

Resolution Suffix

Lets you set the suffix pattern to use when a suffix is added to a new scene when the name is already in use.

You can choose the punctuation mark preceding the suffix from the first drop-down menu:

None: Suffix appears immediately following the name of the scene. For example: 12A.
_: Suffix appears after an underscore. For example: 12_A.
.: Suffix appears after a period. For example: 12.A.

You can choose which type of suffix to use:

Auto: Uses an upper case alphabetical suffix. Once the suffix reaches Z, it will start again at A, preceeded by a number. Example: 12_A, 12_B, (...), 12_1A, 12_1B, and so on.
Numerical: Uses a numerical suffix. For example: 12_1, 12_2, and so on.
Uppercase: Uses an upper case alphabetical suffix. For example: 12_A, 12_B, and so on.
Lowercase: Uses a lower case alphabetical suffix. For example: 12_a, 12_b, and so on.

Display Total Numbers of Panels in Panel Name

Displays a counter at the end of the Panel field which indicates the total number of panels in the selected panel’s scene.