Storyboard Pro 24.0.2 Release Notes

Storyboard Pro 24.0.2, build 23443 (2024-12-19)



  • Shading modes, such as Wireframe and Backface culling, available for 3D layers are now used when rendering these layers to various outputs. SB-5767

  • The "Antialias 3D Models in OpenGL Views" preference is now on by default. SB-5771


The following issues are fixed for this release of Storyboard Pro onward.


  • Storyboard Pro fails to open or create SBPZ files when the project is located in a folder with unicode characters. SB-5875

  • All changes are lost and there is no error message when quitting Storyboard Pro after attempting to save in SBPZ format using the Save As command to an unwritable folder. SB-5880

  • SBPZ projects with very long paths and or names cannot be opened or saved on Windows. SB-5884

  • Storyboard Pro uses the Documents folder to unpack SBPZ projects causing remote cloud storage to quickly become saturated. SB-5838

  • Most dialogs cannot be closed using the escape key on macOS anymore. SB-5829

  • There are many PNG files packaged with the software that are causing sRGB ICC profile errors to be printed to console/terminal when the software is launched. HAR-9840

  • After pressing the play button there is a long delay before playback starts when audio playback is enabled and the project is on a network drive. SB-5925

  • Audio clips with an echo effect combined with a speed/duration change may cause Storyboard Pro to crash out of memory. SB-5889


  • Pencil textures are not scaled when pasting pencil lines between drawing layers that have different scale values. HAR-10481

  • Pencil texture is not scaled when scaling a line using the Select tool with the Scale Pencil Line Thickness option enabled. HAR-10482


  • Timecode is not properly displayed when moving a video clip in the Timeline view when using a Retina display on macOS. SB-5766


  • Opening scenes that contain 3d models that have at least one joint that is missing a parent cause Storyboard Pro to crash. HAR-10377

  • 3D objects set to 'Flatten Mode' do not use the camera's clipping plane values when rendered. SB-5742

  • FBX files exported from Storyboard Pro have inconsistent frame rates when imported into other applications. SB-5890

  • The camera in FBX files exported from Storyboard Pro is rotated 90 degrees when imported into Blender. SB-5891

  • When separating sub-tree / sub-object on 3D bones, the bones on the duplicated layer are not scaled correctly SB-5637

  • 3D model's thumbnails are not framed properly in the Library view. HAR-10333

Import / Export

  • Importing a PDF causes a colour swatch to be created in the colour palette for each page in the PDF. SB-5765

  • Images exported from "File > Export > Current Image" are not converted to the sRGB colour space. SB-5832

  • Random sections of audio clips are missing in exported movies and audio files when the project contains a large number of tracks. SB-5886

Effects Stack

  • Sound playback in the Effects Stack always starts from the beginning of the file. SB-5789

  • Timecode values for long audio clips in the Effects Stack view overlap each other at the default zoom level SB-5711

  • The right-click 'Reset" command does not work on effects that have keyframes. SB-5885


  • Media file extensions are missing in exported AAF requiring each file to be located one by one when performing the Batch Re-Import command in Avid. SB-5840

  • Clips added in Avid Media Composer are not imported into Storyboard Pro if they are in a nest with a 3D Warp effect. SB-5888

  • Functions in the TB_ExportXML.js script fail with error "TypeError: Result of expression 'exp.setNotifyFlix' [undefined] is not a function. : line 98" SB-5797

  • Audio clip names are blank in the Timeline after importing an XML using the 'Import Animatic Project' command. SB-5908