About the File Structure of a Storyboard Pro Project

A Storyboard Pro project is composed of several files. The drawings and colour palettes are not embedded in the project. They are separate linked files. Therefore, if you want to archive or share a project, you must do so in a way that preserves all the files in the project along with their folder structure.

NOTE You can also save your project into a single file that acts as an archive containing all of your project's files—see Saving Projects as a Single File.

The Storyboard Pro project folder contains many files and folders. Storyboard Pro uses the same structure for a Storyboard Pro project as Toon Boom Storyboard Pro does for scenes. Hence, some files and folders may not seem useful in the context of a Storyboard Pro project.

Files in a Storyboard Pro project

File Contents

The actual project file. You can double-click on this file to open it in Storyboard Pro.

If your project has several versions, there will be one file with only the name of the project in it, which is the original version, and one file for each additional version that was saved. Those versions will be named as such:


NOTE Each time you save, a back-up of this file before saving is created, named ProjectName.sboard~.

This file is created when opening a project, and discarded when closing it. Storyboard Pro uses it to detect if the project is currently open in another instance of Storyboard Pro before opening it.

NOTE If Storyboard Pro quits unexpectedly, this file will remain in the project folder. Hence, when you relaunch Storyboard Pro and try opening the project again, Storyboard Pro will warn you that the project is already open, even though it is not.
ProjectName.sboard.thumbnails A cache of the thumbnails for each panel in your project.

An auxiliary file created for each version of the project, containing a list of all the drawing files used by this project version specifically.

NOTE Each time you save, a back-up of this file before saving is created, named ProjectName.aux~.
scene.elementTable A list of the folders in the elements folder with some metadata about each of them.
scene.versionTable Metadata about the versions of Toon Boom Vector Drawings in the project. This file is only created for backwards compatibility.

This is the list of all the different palettes in the project. Since a Storyboard Pro project only has one palette, this is mostly for compatibility with Storyboard Pro.

NOTE Each time you save, a back-up of this file before saving is created, named PALETTE_LIST~.

Folders in a Storyboard Pro project

Folder Contents

Contains the visual assets in separate sub-folders:

  • Draw, Draw.1, Draw.2, etc.: Contains the drawings in the drawing layers in your project's panels. Each folder can contain up to 200 drawing files, along with their backups. This is why big projects will have many numbered Draw folders.
  • Shared: Contains drawings for shared layers as well as drawings that were inserted as image clips in video tracks.
  • 3dsModels, AbcModels, DaeModels, FbxModels, ObjModels and OsbModels: Contains the 3D models. There is one folder for each type of 3D model that was imported into your project.
  • mov, mp4, webm, wmv: Contains the video clips. There is one folder for each type of movie file that was imported into your project.
NOTE Each time you make a change to a drawing file and save, a backup of the file before saving is created. The back-up is named after the file, followed by a tilde (~).
audio Contains the imported sound clips.

Contains palettes files. A Storyboard Pro project only has one palette file, named after its project name. The other files in this directory are created for Storyboard Pro compatibility.

logs Contains traces of operations and processes that were logged while working on the project in Storyboard Pro. This can be useful for debugging.

This is where assets stored at the environment level would be stored if this was a Harmony scene exported from a Harmony Server database for offline work. This folder is only created for compatibility with Harmony


This is where assets stored at the job level would be stored if this was a Harmony scene exported from a Harmony Server database for offline work. This folder is only created for compatibility with Harmony


This is where rendered frames would be stored if you were to render the project in Harmony. This folder is only created for compatibility with Harmony

models Contains all models imported into the Storyboard Pro project