Creating Custom PDF Layout Profiles


When exporting your storyboard project to a PDF file, various page layouts are available depending on your document standards. You can also define some preferences and create a personalized layout.

You can create your own custom PDF profiles. The information is stored in an XML file, pdfoptions.xml, that can be found here:

  • Windows: C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Roaming\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Storyboard Pro \full-2400-pref\pdfoptions.xml
  • macOS: /Users/[user_name]/Library/Preferences/Toon Boom Animation/Toon Boom Storyboard Pro Premium/full-2400-pref/pdfoptions.xml
  • NOTE On macOS, the Library folder is a hidden folder. To display the display the folder, hold down the Alt key when displaying Finder's Go menu.