Producer 21.2 Release Notes

Here is the list of changes for Producer 21.2


Workload Manager (BETA)

This new report will help supervisors analyze and take action to better balance workload amongst the team(s) on any given project:

  • Visualize the workload per user or per task, explore the detailed assignment panel to evaluate actions to take.



  • Easily reassign tasks in realtime from the report’s interface.



Other Reports Improvements

  • The report interface has been optimized with a collapsible side panel creating a clean layout.



  • We have made improvements to the default process and status ordering to better reflect your given workflows.



Workflow Editor

  • A new workflow behaviour can be configured using the versatile actions “Next Process” and “Previous Process”.



General Improvements

  • The Producer web documentation link was moved to the main menu for better accessibility.


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where the reports process list would not display anything with only one environment selected.

  • Fixed an issue where uploading the same file repeatedly would result in an empty preview.

  • Fixed an issue for task status workflows where the save/cancel buttons remained active after saving.

  • Fixed erroneous warning message when setting multiple unique behaviours on the same process.

  • Fixed a layout issue where the reports search criteria fields would spill out of their container.

  • Fixed a field styling issue for shared reports where the assignee box was too thin.

  • Fixed a task reporting issue where it would not report the initial task creation status (typically “Standby”).

  • Adjusted the status text colour to contrast on a darker backdrop.

  • Status labels will correctly appear when configuring behaviours.

  • Fixed an issue where empty status labels were displayed in the reports.

  • Fixed search criteria issue for asset reports where jobs were not properly filtered.

  • Fixed an issue with asset assembly filtering under Open Tasks.

  • Removing an environment from the report search criteria will now also clear the selected jobs of that environment.

  • Fixed an issue when filtering processes in a Job Task report.