About Included Workflows

Here is the list of workflows that are included with Producer, along with a brief description for each.


Workflow to track jobs as episodes of a TV series.


Workflow to track scenes in a simple manner.


Workflow to track 2D paperless scenes, where the animation is hand-drawn digitally.

Double Approval

Workflow to track scenes, where the two approval stages are required for each necessary step in the process.

Single Approval

Workflow to track scenes, where a single approval stage is required for each step in the process.


Workflow to track the creation of bitmap backgrounds.


Workflow to track the building of digital puppets (also known as character rigs).


Workflow to track the building of digital props.

Basic Task Workflow

Basic Workflow providing statuses for the tasks of the other workflows.

Simple Task Workflow

Simple Workflow providing statuses for the tasks of the other workflows. It is meant to track something that is completed without any type of revision or approval (ie: task done).