Deleting a Job

You should only delete jobs that you no longer need or that have already been exported to an archive (using the Export command available in the Admin menu).

When you delete a job, it permanently removes all of the following components:

Database information associated with the selected Job
Palettes stored under the selected Job

Before you delete a job:

Make sure no one else is currently using the Job.

Failure to do this may result in file corruption and loss of your work.

Wait until everyone is offline.

This ensures no one can open the data files while you delete them.

You cannot archive a job by deleting the job from the Control Center module.

If you want to archive a job, you should export it to a new location where it can be stored permanently.

Changing the job's stage from In Production to Completed only hides the job in the Control Center window; all the associated files with the Job are still on your system.

To delete a job:

1. In the Environments section, select the environment containing the job you want to delete.
2. In the Jobs section, select the job you want to delete.
3. In the top menu, select Job > Delete or you can also right-click in the Jobs section and select Delete.
4. The Confirm dialog box appears.

If there are many scenes in the job, the deleting process could take several minutes.

Click on the Yes button to delete the Job.
Click on the No to cancel the delete command.

Related Topics 

Exporting and Importing Data
Changing a Job's Stage