Establishing Communication

Once your scanner is set up and you know the device driver name, brand and model, you are ready to configure the Scan.conf file so that the Harmony can communicate with it. The Scan.conf file contains a number of configuration parameters you can use to control the communication between your scanner and the Harmony.

The Harmony Configuration Wizard updates the Scan.conf file with the required information. If there are other variables you want to modify in this file, use the Harmony Configuration Editor.

Location of the Scan.conf File

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Harmony 24 [Edition]\etc

macOS: /Applications/Toon Boom Harmony 24 [Edition]/Harmony [Edition].app/Contents/tba/etc

GNU/Linux: /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmony[Edition]_24/etc

Location of Original Default Scan.conf File

Windows 7: C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Harmony 24 [Edition]\resources\samples

macOS: /Applications/Toon Boom Harmony 24 [Edition]/Harmony [Edition].app/Contents/tba/resources/samples

GNU/Linux: /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmony[Edition]_24/resources/samples

Here is an example of entries in a Scan.conf file for a Ricoh scanner on Linux.

host: scan-1
name: My_Ricoh_IS450DE_Scanner
descr: The scanner to use for black & white and greyscale scans.
device: /dev/sga
model: Ricoh_IS450DE
defaultThreshold: 80
defaultResolution: 200
registrationStrictness: Loose

The following options must be included in the Scan.conf file:

  • host: [hostName]

where [hostName] is the name of the machine the scanner is attached to.

  • name: [scannerName]

where [scannerName] is the name you want the scanner to be listed as in the Scanner menu in the Scan application.

  • device:
  • GNU/Linux: /dev/[filename]

where [filename] is the filename of the device driver for your scanner.

  • Windows: scX;dY;lZ

The SCSI identifier for the scanner.

X=controller number (normally 0)

Y= device number (as set on the scanner)

Z= The logical unit (normally 0)

ex: device: sc0;d5;l0 (if the scanner is set to scsi id 5)

  • macOS: <device name>

where <device name> is the name findscanner reports. You must include the angle brackets.

  • model:[modelName]

where [modelName] is model name of your scanner (the name is case sensitive and there can be no spaces separating the name and the number). Following is a list of supported scanners.














The following are optional additions to the scanner description.

  • descr: [scannerDescription]

Where [scannerDescription] is a description of the scanner, which appears in the Scanner Information dialog box in the Scan window. This text must be all on one line.

  • defaultThreshold: [value]

Where [value] is the default value for threshold for black and white scanning. The value should be an integer (0 £ [value] £ 255). The default threshold value at installation is 100 if no value is specified.

  • defaultBlackPoint: [value]

Where [value] is the colour value (0 < [value] < 255) that the Scan application considers to be black. The Scan application forces any colour darker than this value to black. If no value is specified, it defaults to 20.

  • defaultWhitePoint: [value]

Where [value] defines the colour value (0 < [value] < 255) that the Scan application considers white. The Scan application forces any colour lighter than this value to white. If no value is specified, it defaults to 235.

  • defaultGamma: [value]

Where [value] is the default value for colour and grayscale gamma correction
(0.0 < [value] £ 2.55) on the scanner. The default gamma value at installation is 1.0 if no value is specified.

  • defaultResolution: [value]

Where [value] is the default resolution in dpi (dots per inch) for the scanner. The value should be an integer that is one of the scanner's legal resolutions. The default resolution value at installation is 300. For Fujitsu and Ricoh scanners, 300 DPI is appropriate. For colour scanners, like the Epson, 150 DPI is suggested.

  • defaultPegSide: [value]

Where [value] defines the default value in the Peg-Side menu when you select the scanner. You can choose between Top, Right, Left or Bottom.

  • registrationStrictness: [level]

Where [level] defines how exact the location of the peg holes must be for the software to recognize them. You have two values to choose from:

  • Strict: The peg holes must be in a tightly defined area to be recognized. This is the default setting.
  • Loose: The peg holes can be anywhere in a larger area to be recognized. This setting is recommended.
  • pegPitch: [value]

Where [value] is the number of decimal places permitted when defining the distance in inches between side pegs. The peg pitch can be defined to fix splicing problems when aligning pan cels. The default value is 8 (e.g., a distance of 0.12345678 could be defined).

side0CleanSize: [value]

side1CleanSize: [value]

side2CleanSize: [value]

side3CleanSize: [value]

Where [value] is the distance in inches from the edge of the drawing that will not be included in the scan. Including these values can save vectorization time and remove dirtiness at the edges of a drawing. Side "0" is the side with peg holes. Remaining sides are numbered in clockwise fashion.