Adding the Path to Harmony Utilities to the System's List of Paths

By default, to run a Harmony utility, you must type its full path followed by its name in the command line. The full path of the utility includes the path in which Harmony was installed. If you installed Harmony in its default installation directory, the path will be as follows:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Harmony 24 Premium\win64\bin
  • macOS:/Applications/Toon Boom Harmony 24 Premium/Harmony
  • GNU/Linux:/usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmonyPremium_24/lnx86_64/bin

So, for example, if you wish to run utransform on Windows, you would have to type C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Harmony 24 Premium\win64\bin\utransform into the command line. This can get tedious and time consuming, especially if you intend to run utilities routinely.

If you prefer, you can add the path to Harmony's command line utilities to your system's list of default paths for commands. When you attempt to run a command without specifying its path, the operating system looks for an utility that matches the name of the command in every folder in the list of paths, and if it finds it, it runs that utility. This is why most command line utilities bundled with your operating system can be launched by simply typing their name. By adding the path to Harmony's command line utilities to this list, merely typing the name of the utility into a command line will be enough to run it.