Camera View Menu

The Camera View menu lets you do many things in the Camera view, including selecting and editing objects in different views, changing the display, setting morphing parameters, accessing tools and many more.

Command Description



Removes selected objects. You can then paste the object or its properties to another object.


Copies selected objects and properties.

Paste Drawing Object

Places an object you cut or copied into the location you select in a view.

Paste Drawing Object in Place

Pastes the copied object in the same place as the original.


Removes selected objects.

Select All

Selects all drawing objects in the current drawing window in the Drawing, Timeline and Camera views. This helps you manage multiple objects as one when moving them.

Deselect All

Deselects all selected objects in the Drawing and Camera views.

Select Strokes With Current Colour

Selects all the strokes that are filled with the colour or texture that’s currently selected in the Colour view.

Select Strokes With Current Pencil Texture

Selects all the pencil lines that use the pencil line texture that’s currently selected in the Colour view.

Invert Selection

Deselects the currently selected items and selects all other items that were not selected. For example, if some lines are selected in a drawing, this command will deselect them and select any other lines in the drawing that were not selected.

Select Child Skipping Effects

Lets you select the first element parented to the selected peg element in the Timeline view skipping effects in the hierarchy.

Select Child

Lets you select the first element parented to the selected peg element in the Timeline view.

Select Children

Lets you select all elements parented to the selected peg element in the Timeline view.

Select Parent Skipping Effects

Lets you select the parent of the selected element in the Timeline view skipping effects in the hierarchy.

Select Parent

Lets you select the parent of the selected element in the Timeline view.

Select Previous Sibling

Lets you select the previous element (above current element) in the Timeline view.

Select Next Sibling

Lets you select the next element (below current element) in the Timeline view.


Group: Groups selected drawing objects in the Camera or Drawing view.

Ungroup: Ungroups a selected group of drawing objects in the Camera or Drawing view.



Zoom In: Zooms in the view.

Zoom Out: Zooms out the view.

Rotate View CW: Rotates the Camera view 30 degrees clockwise, like an animation table.

Rotate View CCW: Rotates the Camera view 30 degrees counter-clockwise, like an animation table.

Reset Zoom: Resets the view’s zoom to its default position.

Reset Rotation: Resets the view’s rotation to its default position.

Reset Pan: Resets the view’s pan to its default position.

Reset View: Resets the view to its default position.

Switch to Colour Art

Displays the Colour Art layer. When switching art layers, you can edit the selected layer without affecting the other one.

Preview Line Art and Colour Art

Displays all Art layers.

Open GL View

Switches the Camera view to fast display, letting you see your animation play in real time. The OpenGL display requires less memory. The final look of your effects is not shown in the OpenGL View Mode. You must switch to the Render View Mode to see your effects.

Render View

Switches the Camera view to a fully rendered display showing the final image of the current frame. If a modification is done to your current frame or if you move to a different frame, click the Update Preview button to update the display if your preview does not update automatically.The Render View Mode display lets you see the final look of your frames including effects and antialiasing. You cannot play back your scene in Render View Mode. To see your scene fully rendered and to play it back, you must press the Render and Play button in the Playback toolbar.

Matte View

Switches the Camera view to a matte display showing the alpha channel of the elements in your scene. The transparency level ranges from 0 to 100 percent. Zero percent is completely transparent and represented by black and 100 percent is completely opaque and represented by white. Everything in between these extremes has a transparency level somewhere between 1 and 99 percent and is represented in various shades of grey.


Show Grid: Displays the grid.

Grid Outline Only: Displays the outline of the grid only.

Underlay: Displays the grid under the drawing elements.

Overlay: Displays the grid over the drawing elements.

Square Grid: Displays a standard square grid.

12 Field Grid: Displays a 12-field size grid.

16 Field Grid: Displays a 16-field size grid.

Onion Skin

Show Onion Skin: Lets Lets you preview the previous and next drawings. By default, the previous drawings appear in a shade of red and the next drawings are displayed with a shade of green. You can change these colours in the Preferences dialog box.

Add to Onion Skin: Adds Adds a series of selected elements to the onion skin preview.

Remove from Onion Skin: Removes Removes a series of selected elements from the onion skin preview.

Remove Unselected from Onion Skin: Removes Removes all elements except the ones selected from the onion skin preview.

Add All to Onion Skin: Adds Adds all of the scene's elements to the onion skin preview.

Remove All from Onion Skin: Removes Removes all of the scene's elements from the onion skin preview.

Onion Skinning by Drawing:

No Previous Drawing:

Previous Drawing: Displays the previous drawing.

Previous Two Drawings: Displays the previous two drawings.

Previous Three Drawings: Displays the previous three drawings.

No Next Drawing: Displays no next drawing.

Next Drawing: Displays the next drawing.

Next Two Drawings: Displays the next two drawings.

Next Three Drawings: Displays the next three drawings.

Reduce One Previous Drawing: Reduces the number of previous visible drawings by one.

Add One Previous Drawing: Adds one drawing to the number of previous visible drawings.

Reduce One Next Drawing: Reduces the number of next visible drawings by one.

Add One Next Drawing: Adds one drawing to the number of next visible drawings.

Light Table

Turns on the light table so you can see Turns on the light table so you can see the previous and subsequent active layers in washed-out colours. It is useful for seeing the other layers when designing, animating or cleaning up your animation.


Produces Produces a silhouette effect by changing the drawing’s coloured areas into a single dark, solid colour. Use this to verify the completeness of the ink and paint process. Any unpainted zones can be seen as the light shows through the unpainted areas of the silhouetted drawing.


Symbol Pivot: Displays a symbol's pivot. The Symbol pivot is similar to the Drawing pivot. Each symbol cell can have its own pivot and act the same as the Drawing pivot. The Symbol pivot can also be referred to as embedded pivot. Inside a symbol, each drawing can have its own pivot.
Safe Area: Displays Displays the TV safety zone and the centre of the camera frame. The safe area adapts to the scene resolution, as well as the safety zone and frame’s centre.
Camera Mask: Displays Displays a black mask around the scene’s frame to avoid seeing the unnecessary artwork. This option is handy when you're animating and setting up the scene. It allows you to see your scene’s composition better.
Control: Displays the controls of the selected element.
BBox Selection Style: Lets you change the display style of selected elements to a bounding box style. This removes the default overlay highlight and leaves only the bounding box around the selected element.

Outline Locked Drawings: Drawings that are locked in the Timeline view (cannot be selected in the Camera view) are displayed as wireframes.

Show Current Drawing on Top: Displays Displays the selected drawing on top of everything while you draw. By enabling this option, each time you select a drawing tool, the selected drawing is displayed in front of everything in the Camera view. The Timeline and Node view ordering remain unchanged.You only need to enable this option once, it is not necessary to do it each time you select a drawing tool.

Show Strokes: Displays the strokes in your drawings so that the invisible lines stand out.

Show Strokes with Colour Wash: Displays strokes with washed-out colours.

Highlight Selected Colour:

Show Scan Information: Displays a status bar showing the scanning information at the bottom of the Drawing and Camera view.

Hide All Controls

Hides the controls of the selected element.

Render Current Frame

Renders only the current frame.

Auto Render

Automatically recalculates the preview image whenever you modify a parameter. If your scene is heavy and you do not want the preview rendered automatically, deselect the Auto-Render option and do the preview update manually.Note that this will slow down Harmony as it takes resources to update every frame.

Layer Properties

Displays the Layer Properties window of the selected layer in the Timeline view.

Preview Manager

Opens the Preview Manager where you can set options for the quality of previews, and clearing and updating the cache.

Bitmap File Quality

Let's you increase or decrease the preview quality of raw bitmap images. By default, bitmap files imported in Harmony will display in a low resolution in the Camera view to avoid hindering performance.

TIP You can change the default resolution in which bitmap files are displayed in the Camera view by changing the Small Bitmap Resolution preference located in the Camera tab of the Preferences dialog.
NOTE This only affects the way bitmap images display in the OpenGL preview of the scene in the Camera view. The preview quality of bitmap images does not affect the final render.


Clean Up

Remove Dirt: Opens the Remove Dirt dialog box where you can specify the number and size of dots removal from a selected drawing.

Remove Hair: Opens the Remove Hair dialog box where you can specify the number and length of hairs for removal from a selected drawing. This removes any small strokes created in the Colour Art layer from very thick lines or filled zones. Increase the value to select larger strokes for removal from the drawing.

Close Gaps: Closes small gaps in a drawing by creating small, invisible strokes between the two closest points to close the colour zone. You do not need to trace directly over the gap. You can draw it a few millimeters away. The two closest points automatically close the gap.

Remove Art Inside Selection: Removes any art inside a selection. It is recommended that you clean your Colour Art level as well. If you have a stroke accumulation in the Colour Art, it can result in large output files, especially if you work in high definition resolutions.

Remove Art Inside Selection On All Drawings: Removes any art inside all drawings selected with the Permanent Selection option in the Select tool.

Remove Art Outside Selection: Removes any art existing outside a selection. It is recommended that you clean the Colour Art level as well. If you have a stroke accumulation in the Colour Art, it can result in large output files, especially if you work in high-definition resolutions.

Remove Art Outside Selection On All Drawings: Removes any art outside all drawings selected with the Permanent Selection option in the Select tool.


Unpaint Selection: Unpaints any art existing inside a selection.

Unpaint Selection on All Drawings: Unpaints all art contained inside a selection on all the drawings within the same layer.

Unpaint Outside Selection: Unpaints any art existing outside a selection. If no selection have been drawn using the Select tool, the entire drawing will be unpainted.

Unpaint Outside Selection on All Drawings: Unpaints all art outside a selection on all the drawings within the same layer.

Repaint Selection: Repaints any art inside a selection.

Repaint Selection on All Drawings: Repaints any art inside a selection on all the drawings contained within the same layer.

Repaint Outside Selection: Repaints any art outside a selection. If no selection has been drawn using the Select tool, the entire drawing will be repainted.

Repaint Outside Selection on All Drawings: Repaints any art outside a selection on all the drawings contained within the same layer.


Pencil Lines to Brush Strokes: Converts the selected centreline pencil strokes into contour strokes brush lines.

Brush Strokes to Pencil Lines: Converts selected contour strokes into centreline pencil strokes. The brush stroke thickness will be lost.

Strokes to Pencil Lines: Converts the selected invisible line to a pencil line.

Brush Apart Text Layers: Text is treated as a single drawing object. This separates the text so each character becomes an individual drawing object you can select and modify independently.


Flatten: Merges Merges drawing objects and brush strokes into a single layer. If you draw new lines to fix a drawing or line with many brush strokes, it can be useful to flatten them all into a single shape. By default, lines are drawn one on top of each other. If you intend to repaint the lines or modify their shape, it will be easier if they are flattened.

Smooth: Smooths selected drawing strokes and removes extra points.

Create Contour Strokes: Adds a permanent invisible line around a shape that was drawn directly in Harmony. This allows you to unpaint lines with the Paint tool but maintain the shape of the lines, should you need to repaint later.

Remove Contour Strokes: Remove any permanently invisible lines that were created while scanning and vectorizing drawings or manually adding contour strokes. This is useful for removing the intersection triangles created during vectorization.

Remove Extra Strokes: Removes strokes inside painted area. This option only works after the painted drawing is flattened.

Optimize: Reduces Reduces the number of layers, such as overlapping brush strokes, in the selected drawing objects. Drawing objects will only be flattened and optimized if the selected objects do not change the appearance of the final image when they are merged.

Crop Brush Textures: Crops Crops an unnecessarily large texture bitmap that lies unseen beneath the vector contour of a textured line. This often occurs when you cut and paste textured lines from one drawing into another. If you cut a portion from a textured line and paste it into a different drawing, Harmony pastes the entire unseen texture bitmap from the source drawing into the new one, even if you only took a small portion of the source drawing. Using the Crop Brush Texture command will crop away extraneous texture that does not touch the vector area. If there are many textured lines in your scene, this will greatly reduce the file size.

Reduce Drawing Texture Resolution:

When you import and vectorize as texture (colour) a high resolution image, the size of your drawing can be heavy. You can reduce the size and resolution of the textures in a drawing.


Bring to Front: Moves the selected art to the front (on top).

Bring Forward: Moves the selected art one level forward (closer to the front).

Send Backward: Moves the selected art one level lower (behind).

Send to Back: Moves the selected art behind everything (bottom / back).


Flip Horizontal: Flips the current selection horizontally.

Flip Vertical: Flips the current selection vertically.

Rotate 90 CW: Rotates the current selection 90 degrees clockwise.

Rotate 90 CCW: Rotates the current selection 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

Rotate 180: Rotates the current selection 180 degrees.

Create Empty Drawing

Creates Creates a drawing in the selected cell, replacing any drawing that may already be exposed in that cell and the following ones until it meets another drawing, key exposure or a blank cell.

Duplicate Drawings

Creates a duplicate of the selected drawing in the layer. The duplicate drawing will be exposed at the selected frame instead of the original drawing. Hence, this command allows you to instantly start working on a duplicate of the current drawing and retain the original.


When duplicating a drawing, the exposure at the selected cell is replaced with the new drawing, up until the next key exposure.

Delete Selected Drawings

Permanently removes selected drawings. Once you save your project, these drawings cannot be recovered.

Rename Drawing

Lets you give a selected drawing a new name.

Create Colour Art From Line Art

Lets you use the outline you traced on one of the four embedded layers (line art, colour art, overlay, underlay) and create invisible strokes to paint your drawings on separate layers. This provides more inking and painting flexibility.

You can also configure this option to create the invisible strokes on any of the four embedded layers.

Generate Auto-Matte

Automatically creates a matte from a selected drawing or all drawings on a layer.

Opens the auto-Matte dialog box where you can set the radius of the lines depending on how precise or rough your line is.

You can also select the source and destinatin layers from which the matte will be created.

Adjust Line Texture Opacity

Lets you adjust the contrast and opacity of textured lines in a drawing.

Change Bitmap Drawing Resolution

Lets you Lets you change the resolution of bitmap art for individual drawings. You can reduce the resolution of your bitmap file as well as increase it. Be careful because enlarging the bitmap resolution on an existing drawing will result in a loss of quality.Harmony will perform a pixel smoothing pass (resampling) and create additional pixels to avoid losing too much quality, but only to a certain extent. This feature is very useful when you need to have a full resolution of a bitmap image (such as imported bitmaps as .psd or .tga for the background) for tracing to create a matte directly in Harmony.By default, Harmony creates small thumbnail images when imported as bitmap in order to increase performance by using a small thumbnail image instead of using the original large size bitmap for animation work in Harmony. This will make difficult to view details or trace due to the low resolution (blurry). This option temporary increases the resolution of bitmaps up to their original bitmap resolution to make tracing easier.

Previous Drawing

Once a cell is selected in the Timeline view, you can navigate between the drawings, frames, and layers. Displays the previous drawing, next drawing, previous layer or next layer.

Displays the previous drawing, next drawing, previous layer or next layer.

Next Drawing

Previous Layer

Next Layer

Colour Protection

Toggle Current Colour Protection: Temporarily enables/disables the Colour Protection feature so you can quickly correct wrongly inked or painted areas under protected colour without readjusting the Current Colour Protection option.

Respect Colour Protection: In the Colour view, you can protect a colour swatch to avoid repainting or unpainting the zones linked to that swatch. If you using the Paint tool and this option is deselected, you will repaint or unpaint the protected colours on your drawings until you enable the option again.

Drawing Tools


Allows you to select and reposition, scale, rotate and skew brush strokes, pencil lines, shapes and other parts of your artwork.

Contour Editor

Allows you to edit the vector contours of brush strokes, pencil lines and shapes in your artwork. You can add, remove, tweak and move vector points, move the Bezier handles of the vector points as well as deform vector outlines.

Centerline Editor

Allows you to tweak and deform a brush stroke by manipulating the points at the centre of its line rather than its contour.

Pencil Editor

Lets you modify the thick and thin contour of a pencil line (basically a central vector shape). Shape control points along the central spine allow you to adjust the stroke curve and position.


Allows you to cut a part of your artwork, then reposition, scale, rotate and skew it.

Smooth Editor

Allows you to optimize contours and lines by removing its extra points, making them easier to edit.


Allows you to deform artwork by applying a perspective effect on it.


Allows you to deform and warp artwork by moving points and tweaking lines in a grid.

Reposition All Drawings

Allows you to reposition, scale, rotate and skew all drawings in the current layer.

Drawing Pivot

Allows you to position the pivot on a drawing layer by clicking where you want its location to be.


A pressure-sensitive tool for creating a contour shape with a thick and thin line effect, as if created with a paint brush.


A pressure-sensitive tool for drawing outlines. Pencil lines are made of central vector lines, making them easier to tweak and edit than brush strokes.


Allows you to add text and to format it.


A pressure-sensitive tool for erasing parts of a drawing.

Colour Eyedropper

Allows you to select a colour by clicking on a colour in your artwork.

Pencil Texture Eyedropper

Allows you to select a pencil texture by clicking on a textured pencil line.


Allows you to create and configure a morphing sequence, which will automatically generate the in-betweens between two drawings in the current layer.


Draws a straight line segment going from one point to the other.


Draws a rectangle.


Draws an ellipse.


Allows you to draw shapes, segmented lines or complex curved lines by clicking to create each point in the sequence of line segments.


Allows you to fill colour zones with a colour or texture.


Allows you to recolour pencil lines with precision by changing the colour of one segment at a time.

Repaint Brush

Lets you repaint existing brush strokes. The new brush strokes will be cropped to fit in existing artwork.

Close Gap

Allows you to close open shapes so that they can be filled with the Paint tool. By drawing a stroke near a small gap in a shape, this tool will create a small invisible stroke connecting the two closest points around the gap.


Allows you to create invisible lines that can serve as colour zones that can be filled, or close the gaps in existing colour zones.

Edit Gradient/Texture

Allows you to adjust the position, angle and size of gradients and textures in a colour zone.


Allows you to pan the Camera and Drawing views.


Allows you zoom in and out of the Camera and Drawing views.

Rotate View

Lets you rotate the Camera and Drawing views just like with a real animation disc.


Insert Keyframe

Adds a keyframe on the selected cell in the Timeline view.

Insert Control Point

Adds a control point to a 3D path function.

Set Stop-Motion Keyframe

Converts the selected keyframes to stop-motion keyframes. Between a stop-motion keyframe and the next keyframe, Harmonydoes not generate any animation and the element remains static until the next keyframe.

Set Motion Keyframe

Converts the selected keyframes to motion keyframes. With motion keyframes, Harmony generates the interpolation between the motion keyframe and the next keyframe. This means that a value for each frame between the keyframes is calculated by Harmony to progress from the value of the previous keyframe to the value of the next keyframe.


Flips the position of an element on its axis.

Set Ease for Multiple Parameters

Lets you set the ease in and ease out on multiple functions and keyframes. This opens the Set Ease For Multiple Parameters where you can modify the Bezier or Ease curve. You can apply easing parameters to a certain type of function only, such as rotation or scale.

Linear Motion

Transforms a curved path to a linear path removing tension, bias, and continuity.

Lock in Time

Indicates Indicates whether the point is locked to a specific frame (keyframe) or only locked to a specific position and the curve can flow through it freely as other points are being added, moved, or adjusted (control point).

No Z Dragging

Keeps the Z value constant when you drag a character using the Transform or Translate tool.

Substitute Drawing Previous

Replaces the drawing or cell's symbol on the current frame by the next drawing.

Substitute Drawing Next

Select Previous Keyframe/Point

Select the previous keyframe/point.

Select Next Keyframe/Point


Locks a layer so it cannot be selected in the Camera view.


Returns Returns the value of the selected element to the initial value of the active tool. For example, if the Rotate tool is active, the transformation angle will be reset to 0 and if the Transform tool is active, all the transformation values will be reset.

Reset All

Resets Resets all transformations on the current frame in a selected layer. Your keyframe will remain, but all the values will return to the starting value. All transformations are reset regardless of the tool you're using.

Reset All Except Z

Resets Resets all transformations on the current frame except the Z position. This is useful when doing cut-out animation. Cut-out puppets often have a particular Z ordering for the different views of a character. You might want to reset the transformation, but not necessarily the Z position.

Animation Tools


Allows you to select drawing layers and position, rotate, scale and skew them.


Lets you move the selected element along the X and Y axes.


Turns a selected element around its pivot point.


Increases or decreases the size of a selected element. You can scale an object up to make it larger or down to make it smaller. Press Shift to scale the element while maintaining its proportions.

Maintain Size

Keeps elements the same size aspect ratio in the Camera view as you move them towards or away from the camera.


Slants the selected element.

Reposition Drawing

Lets you reposition, scale, rotate or skew all drawing strokes on every drawing included in a layer.

Spline Offset

Lets you Lets you reposition the visual trajectory without offsetting or modifying your animation. By default, the trajectory is located at 0,0,0 fields. If your elements were drawn in a different location than the centre of the drawing area, it will look like the trajectory is not aligned with your drawing. Also, if you have several elements attached to one trajectory, you might want your trajectory to be at a different location to represent the group's motion better.

Inverse Kinematic Tool

Allows you to pose a character model by pulling on its extremities, such as hands and feet, and have the other connected limbs follow. Can be used on any piece connected in a hierarchy.

IK Constraints

Set IK Nail

Blocks the X, Y and Z positions.

Set IK Hold Orientation

Blocks the angle.

Set IK Hold X

Blocks only the X position.

Set IK Hold Y

Blocks only the Y position.

Set IK Min Angle

Sets limitations on the angle parameter to prevent the puppet from bending too far.

Set IK Max Angle

Remove All Constraints

Removes all nails except the minimum and maximum angles.



Allows you to create and configure a morphing sequence, which will automatically generate the in-betweens between two drawings in the current layer.

Contour Hint

The Contour Hint point is used on the colour fill zone and brush lines; in other words, on Contour vectors. It allows you to control the line thickness and contour position. Also, if a contour is not animated correctly, you can use hints to correct the animation. For example, if a flag is not waving properly.

When adding a Contour Hint point, make sure to place it far enough away from the contour so you can see it snap to the contour.

Contour Hint points are yellow.

Zone Hint

The Zone Hint point is used on a colour zone to control the proximity rule. The Zone Hint is placed in the centre of the colour zone. Sometimes a colour zone is not associated with the corresponding one by default. For example, in a splash animation there are many water droplets that are the same colour. Harmony automatically morphs the droplet to the nearest one. This is not always the one you may have predicted. A Zone Hint will force a colour zone to morph with another one.

Zone Hint points are cyan in colour.

Pencil Hint

A Pencil Hint point is used to control a pencil line, also known as central vector. It can be used on drawings that were done using the Pencil, Polyline, Ellipse, Line and Rectangle tools. Like the Contour Hint, the Pencil Hint snaps to the central vector. Make sure to place it far enough away from the line so you will see it snap when you move it.

Pencil Hint points are magenta in colour.

Vanishing Point Hint

A Vanishing Point Hint is used to control the trajectory of a vanishing shape. A shape will vanish from the source drawing when there is no corresponding shape in the destination drawing. If you do not place a Vanishing Point Hint to control the point of disappearance, the shape will vanish into its centre.

Vanishing Point Hint points are green in colour.

Appearing Point Hint

An Appearing Point Hint is used to control the trajectory of an appearing shape. A shape will appear in the destination drawing when there is no corresponding shape in the source drawing. If you do not place an Appearing Point Hint to control the point of appearance, the shape will appear from its centre and expand outwards.

Appearing Point Hint points are violet in colour.

Switch Between Morphing Key Drawings

Toggles Toggles between the two key drawings in your morphing sequence. This option is useful while setting hints. You can use the default keyboard shortcut F4 to toggle between your drawings.

Suggest HInts

Automatically sets Automatically sets hint points on key drawings as a help tool. If you're not sure where to set hints, you can use this option. It will set the main hints which you can then fine tune.

Hide Hints

Temporarily Temporarily hides the hint points from the key drawings. Use this option when you have a series of hint points hiding some lines you would like to see.