Rigid Point Deform Node
The Rigid Point Deformer is a type of weighted-deformation that prioritizes rigid transformations over deformations and is applied by tracking the position of attached pegs. It is particularly useful for tracking and deforming textures on characters and animated surfaces and is used with the Weighted Deformer node.
In the Node View press Enter.
- Type in the name of the node you want to search.
- Select the node.
- Click the yellow box on the left to open the dialog box.
Weight: A percentage value that defines the weight of all points connected to the Rigid Point Deform. This weight is considered when calculating the influence of all points, curves and Rigid Point Deforms connected to the Weighted Deform. These weights are relative to one another in the Weighted Deform system. A weight of 50% would have half the influence in the Weighted Deformation system than a weight of 100% when connected to that same system.
Minimum Distance: The Rigid Deform considers the proximity of the elements in the drawing and the points influence is based on that distance. When a minimum distance is defined, any points within that minimum distance are completely influenced by that point and this influence falls off as it approaches the maximum distance.
Maximum Distance: Similar to the Minimum Distance, the Maximum Distance defines the distance in which the point has little to no control over the surrounding elements in the drawing.
The Minimum and Maximum distance are useful in defining particular regions of control within a Weighted Deformation system.