Add Drawing Layer Dialog Box

The Add Drawing Layer dialog box lets you add a drawing layer to your project.

By default, when you create a new scene, there is one drawing column in the Xsheet view and one corresponding drawing layer in the Timeline view.

You can add an element for each drawing and it will appear as a column in the Xsheet view, a layer in the Timeline view, and a node in the Node view.

For tasks related to this dialog box, see Adding Layers and Columns.

Parameter Description


Lets you give the new layer a meaningful name.

Overlay Art

Creates a vector or bitmap drawing layer in the Overlay Art layer.

Line Art

Creates a vector or bitmap drawing layer in the Line Art layer.

Colour Art

Creates a vector or bitmap drawing layer in the Colour Art layer.

Underlay Art

Creates a vector or bitmap drawing layer in the Underlay Art layer.

Extend Exposure for Scene Duration Automatically create and empty drawing exposure on each layer and expose them for the duration of the scene.

Add and Close

Adds the selected type of layers to the Timeline view and corresponding column in the Xsheet view and closes the dialog box. The names of the layers/columns are automatically numbered incrementally.


Adds the selected type of layers to the Timeline view and corresponding column in the Xsheet view. The dialog box remains open for you to add as many layers/columns as needed. The names of the layers/columns are automatically numbered incrementally.


Closes the dialog box.