Moving Toolbars

T-HFND-003-005, T-HFND-003-006

You can move toolbars around using drag & drop. This can be used to:

  • Reorder toolbars within the same toolbar area.
  • Move a toolbar from one edge of the application window or view in which it is located to another edge.
  • Hide part of a toolbar with another toolbar.

The action you do depends on the gesture with which you drag the toolbar:

  • If you drag the toolbar horizontally you are “sliding” the toolbar. This allows you to move the toolbar over another toolbar in the same row. When two toolbars share the same space, the toolbar on the right appears over the toolbar on the left, and the left toolbar’s rightmost buttons are hidden in a pop-up menu.

    Likewise, you can do this with a vertical toolbar by sliding it vertically, in which case the toolbar at the bottom appears over the toolbar at the top.

  • If you drag the toolbar vertically, you “pop” it out of its row. When a toolbar is popped out, you can reorder toolbars and move the toolbar to another row or to a different edge of the user interface.

    Likewise, you can do this with a vertical toolbar, such as the Tools toolbar at the left of the workspace, by moving it horizontally.

NOTE You cannot move a toolbar from the edge of the application window to the inside of a view, or vice versa. If you want to do that, you must add the toolbar where you want it to be located, and it will automatically be removed from the area where it is currently located. For example, if you want to move the Edit toolbar from the top of the workspace to the Camera view, all you have to do is add it to the Camera view—see Adding and Removing Toolbars.