How to Add Layers

Renaming Layers

Adding Layers

Deleting Layers

Reordering Layers

Grouping Layers

Hiding and Showing Layers

Locking and Unlocking Layers

Just like with traditional animation, Harmony uses layers to keep elements such as characters, backgrounds and props separate from each other, allowing you to animate them independently.

When you create a new scene, your scene will have a default layer named Drawing, in which you can immediately start drawing.

Layers can be selected and managed in the Timeline view. A scene can have as many layers as needed. When your scene has several layers, layers higher in the list appear over lower layers.

Renaming Layers

In a new scene, there is only one layer created by default, named Drawing. In traditional animation, it is common to name animation layers with single letters (A, B, C, etc.) and layout layers with acronyms (BG for background, OL for overlay, etc). So you can start off your scene by giving your first layer an appropriate name.

Adding Layers

Deleting Layers

Reordering Layers

Grouping Layers

Grouping layers allows you to keep your scene structure organized.

Additionally, you can put several layers inside a group, then add an effect on this group to apply that effect on all the layers inside the group.

Hiding and Showing Layers

You can temporarily hide layers so that they do not clutter the Camera view while you are working on other layers.

Locking and Unlocking Layers

You can temporarily lock layers. Locked layers can still be edited in the Timeline or Xsheet view, but you cannot select them, draw them or manipulate them in the Camera view. This can be useful to avoid accidentally selecting or drawing over your backgrounds, overlays, props or characters you are not currently working on.