Moving Scene Markers
You can quickly offset a scene marker by clicking and dragging it. You can also select several scene markers and offset them together.
In the timeline ruler, click and drag on the scene marker you want to move.
There are two things to note when moving scene markers:
Two markers cannot have the same start time. Dragging a marker to share the start time of another marker will be blocked.
You may drag scene markers to overlap with others. The selected scene marker will appear on top.
In Xsheet, the scene marker behind the overlapping marker will not be visible.
In the timeline ruler, click on the first scene marker you want to move.
While holding the Shift key, click on every other scene marker you want to move to add them to the selection.
NOTE When a scene marker is selected, its outline will turn cyan, and other scene markers will become slightly darker. -
Click and drag on one of the selected scene markers.