Importing Vector Files
You can import vector Adobe Illustrator (.ai) files, Portable Document Files (.pdf) and Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) files through the File menu.

In the top menu select, File > Import > Vector File.
The Vector Import dialog opens.
In the Vector File dialog box, click Browse to find and select one or more .pdf, .ai or .svg files.
Select the destination of your vector file by doing one of the following:
Select Selected Element and import your vector file to an existing Drawing layer.
NOTE The Drawing layer that the vector file will be imported into must be selected prior to import.TIP By selecting Append to First Frame’s Drawing, you can merge your imported vector file with the existing Drawing layer. -
Select Create New Elements Using Base Name to import your vector file to a new Drawing layer.
Select one of following destinations for the colour palette of your vector file:
Use Exisiting Palette allows you to select from a drop down list of palettes existing in your Harmony scene to add your imported colour palette to.
Create New Palette allows you to create and name a new palette in the Colour view containing your imported colour palette.
Click OK.
NOTE If you are importing a .pdf file, an optional step is to select whether you want to import All Pages or specify a start and end page to be imported.