Overriding a Colour
With the Colour-Override node, you can change the colour of some swatches.
How to override colours
- From the Colours section, select the colour swatch to modify and move it to the Individual Colour Overrides section. Several options are available to modify your colours.
- Once the swatch appears in the Colour-Overrides section, click the drop-down arrow and select one of the following options from the Mode menu:
TIP You can also select the colour swatch you want to modify by using the Colour Eyedropper. The Colour Eyedropper selects the colour swatch associated to the colour clicked in the Drawing or Camera view.
- Override colour: When selecting a colour swatch from a clone palette (not set as the current palette), use this option to override the current colour and use the swatch from the clone palette over the corresponding one in the current palette.
- Colour Not Visible: Renders the selected colour invisible in the Camera view.
- New RGB Only: Overrides the colour swatch RGB value while maintaining its original alpha value. You can select a new colour by clicking on the colour swatch and choosing a new colour from the Colour Picker window.
- New Alpha Only: Overrides the swatch's alpha channel while maintaining its original RGB values. You can select a new alpha value by clicking on the colour swatch and choosing an alpha value from the Colour Picker window.
- New RGBA: Overrides the swatch's colour and alpha values. You can select a new colour by clicking on the colour swatch and choosing an alpha value from the Colour Picker window.