Setting the Working Colour Space for a Scene

You can select the working colour space for your scene in the scene settings dialog.

The working colour space is the colour space to which each layer in your scene is converted before all elements in your scene are composited together along with your scene’s effects. Then, the image is converted from your scene’s working colour space to the intended colour space for rendering. Hence, the scene’s working colour space is the intermediary colour space in which the compositing is done internally.

TIP For optimal compositing, it is recommended to set your scene’s working colour space to the linear version of the colour space used by your production. That way, the calculations done for the visual effects in your scene are not affected by the gamma curve of your production’s colour space.

Any scene created in Harmony 20 has “Read Toon Boom Drawings Using sRGB Colour Space” option disabled. In this case the colour space information of each drawing layer will be used when converting to the scene’s working colour space in the Camera view > Render View mode, but ignored in OpenGL View mode—see Setting the Colour Space of an Element Layer. Moreover, display colour space in OpenGL View mode is limited—see Setting the Display Colour Space

Any scene created in Harmony 22 or later has "Read Toon Boom Drawings Using sRGB Colour Space" enabled by default. In this case the colour space information for each drawing layer will be locked and set to sRGB.