3D Region

The 3D Region effect lets you define the 3D region, which can take many forms, such as a sphere, cone, cylinder or box. The 3D Region node acts in contrast to the Planer Region node, which generates and emits particles from a 2D plane.

You can connect a 3D Region to a Sprite-Emitter to define the region from which particles are generated. It could also be connected to a Bounce node to define a region against which particles bounce. If connected to a Sink node, it will define a region where the particles will disappear.

3D Region Properties

Parameter Description
Name Allows you to change the name given to the node.

Choose a shape for the 3D Region by clicking on the Type drop-down menu and selecting either Box, Cylinder, Cones, Sphere or Image.

If you select Image, you must connect the node of a vector drawing or a vectorized bitmap image to the left port (blue node) of the 3D Region node. The particles will then be emitted from that image' shape. Don't forget that you can rotate your vector drawing in 3D space by enabling the 3D option in its Layer Properties.


Enter different values into the Width, Height and Depth fields to change the dimensions of the 3D Region's selected shape. Depending on the shape selected, some fields may be greyed-out if they are not applicable. You can also modify the shape with the Transform Tool by grabbing the control handles (turquoise squares) in the Camera or Perspective views. You can also change the dimensions of the region over time by click on the function button at the end of each field.


Enter different values in the Max or Min fields to change the inner or outer radius of applicable shapes, such as a cylinder, cone or sphere. You can also change the radii by grabbing the control handles (turquoise squares) in the Camera or Perspective views. The radii of the region can be changed over time by clicking the function button at the end of each field.