Weighted Deform Node

The Weighted Deform node is a deformation node that creates a blended deformation from the regions defined by multiple sources. The deformation blends the points in a drawing or image based on the distance to a deformation source and is used to provide a clean deformed surface.


The Weighted Deform node acts as a composite for several kinds of transformations, and outputs the composited transformations onto a Drawing node.

The rightmost input port of the Weighted Deform node is for the base transformation for the drawing. This port should be connected to what would have otherwise been the parent peg of the child Drawing node. For example, if the node connected under the Weighted Deform node is Arm_R, then the peg Arm_R-P should be connected to this port. It will pass this transformation onto the Drawing node, but it will also composite the other transformations onto it.

If you connect any other transformation or deformation (green) cable to the Weighted Deform node, an extra input port (light green) will appear. Those transformations are composited together to make a weighted deformation that is applied to the child element. The following transformations are supported:

  • Deformation nodes: Bone, Curve and Envelope deformations are converted by the Weighted Deform node to deform the entire texture of the drawing, instead of only deforming its outlines. This is especially useful to create Envelope deformations around textured or detail-heavy drawings.
  • Peg nodes: Pegs are used as deformation points to create a “cloth” like deformation. They work very similarly to the Free Form Transformation node. The position of the peg’s pivot point acts as the resting position of the point, and the actual position of the peg is the point’s offset.

Like all transformation and deformation nodes, the output port of the Weighted Deform node outputs a transformation and should be connected to the input port of an Drawing node.

Layer Properties

Parameter Description
Pre-Blend Amount

The blend amounts are used to define the rigidity of the deformation map. The values are added at different points in the computation and result in a different result when used.

The Pre-Blend Amount is added when calculating the distance from the deformation regions. It blends the regions by making the regions less influential when close to the contours.

Post-Blend Amount

The Post-Blend Amount is added after calculating the deformation mapping of the weighting of the Weighted Deform’s regional influences. It is used to round out the influence of the deformation region by applying the value as an exponent to the calculated deformation weights.

A value of 0 will create a linearly interpolated deformation. A higher value will cause regions further from the source to have increasingly less influence as it recedes from the control.

A negative value can be used to apply the blending inversely.

Deformation Quality This is the quality of the deformation. It ranges from Low to Extreme. The higher the quality, the better the deformation will look, but the longer it will take to render.