Mesh Warp Node

Mesh Warp Effect

Use the Mesh Warp effect to distort your drawings. With this node you can create effects such as a character in a warped mirror and looking through a glass jar. You can also animate the position of the grid to perform the distortion over time.

The Mesh Warp node is a position node, same as a Peg node.

Mesh Warp Network Connection

Mesh Warp Properties

Use the Mesh Warp editor to adjust the grid size, deformation quality and the region of interest.

Mesh Warp Properties

Parameter Description
Rows Increase or decrease the Rows value to change the amount of rows to use in the deformation grid.
Columns Increase or decrease the Columns value to change the amount of columns to use in the deformation grid.
Region of Interest Select the 2D Path option if you want both your X and Y curves to be controlled by the same velocity function. Select the Separate option if you want your X and Y curves to be independent and have independent velocity.
(x) Axis This is the X position of the gird. This value can be animated overtime to move the grid horizontally.
(y) Axis This is the Y position of the gird. This value can be animated overtime to move the grid vertically.
Width This is the width value of the gird. This value can be animated overtime to squash or stretch the grid horizontally.
Height This is the height value of the gird. This value can be animated overtime to squash or stretch the grid vertically.
Deformation Quality This is the quality of the warm deformation. It ranges from Low to Extreme. The higher the quality, the better the formation will look, but the longer it will take to render.