Mini Playback Dialog Box

The Mini Playback dialog box alllows you to configure and start Mini Playback. Mini Playback allows you to quickly preview a short span of animation starting a few frames before the current frame and ending a few frames after the current frame, at a customizable frame rate.

Icon Parameter Description


Frame Rate

The speed at which Mini Playback should play your animation. By default, it is set to Same as Scene to play at the same pace as your scene's frame rate. Otherwise, you can choose among a set of commonly used frame rates.



The amount of frames before the current frame at which to start Mini Playback.

Play Starts Mini Playback. Playback will start at the amount of frames in the Before field before the current frame, and end at the amount of frames in the After field after the current frame, at the frame rate in the Frame Rate drop-down.
  After The amount of frames after the current frame at which to end Mini Playback.