Creating Custom Drawing Markers

If your production requires you to mark drawings with markers other than the ones available by default in Harmony, it is possible to create custom markers. Custom markers have the same capabilities as other markers: You can mark drawings with it using the Mark Drawing toolbar, you can make Onion Skin only display drawings marked with your custom marker and you can use the Flip toolbar to only flip through drawings with your custom marker.

Before you can add a custom marker to Harmony, you must first design its icons. A custom marker needs the following icons:

  • Mark Drawing Toolbar icon (24 x 24 pixel)
  • Onion Skin Toolbar icon (24 x 24 pixel)
  • Flip Toolbar icon (24 x 24 pixel)
  • Xsheet Column icon (16 x 16 pixel)

Once this is done, to add your marker to Harmony, you will need to add its information to an Extensible Markup Language (.xml) file. XML is a type of computer language often used for configuration and to store project data. The steps below explain in detail how to do this. Hence, although it is preferable to have scripting or programming background to do this, it is not required.