Overriding a Colour with a Texture Sequence
In production, you may need to map a live action sequence or bitmap image sequence into a zone or over several zones. For example, you could have a mirror shattered into several pieces and you want to map video or someone talking into those pieces. You can paint the mirror pieces with a specific colour swatch and use the Colour-Override node to map the image sequence into the pieces. It can also be a single image without having to be an image sequence.
NOTE To learn how to modify a texture's exposure based on an animation or character's motion, see Animating Textures Based on Action .

- From the Node Library view, drag a Colour-Override node to the Node view.
- In the Node view, connect the Colour-Override node under the drawing node that contains the line you want to animate.
- Connect the Live Action or Bitmap Image Sequence node in the Colour-Override's left port. The blue left port will input the images into the colour zones. Note that your image sequence's exposure needs to span over all the frames you it to be visible for. If there is not images exposed, the colour will not be overridden when frames are blank.
- Click the Colour-Override's square yellow button to open its property editor.
- In the Colour-Override window, in the Palettes section, select the palette containing the colour to override.
- In the Colours section, select the pencil texture used to draw your lines and drag it to the Colour-Override section.
- Once the swatch appears in the Colour-Override section, select it and then click the Override Mode button and select Texture - Use Image Input.
- In the Node view, select the bitmap image node.
- In the Advanced Animation toolbar, select the Translate
, Rotate
or Scale
- In the Camera view bottom toolbar, enable the Render
- In the Camera view, move the Bitmap Image position. As you move it, you will see the texture fills being modified. You can animate the position by adding position keyframes in the Timeline view.