Scaling the Contours of an Animated Matte Generator
You can use the scaling control of the Animated Matte Generator to quickly scale the control points of your matte contours. This is especially useful for quickly separating the outer contour and the inner contours.
How to use the scaling controls of the Animated Matte Generator
- In the Node or Timeline view, select the Animated Matte Generator node.
- In the Tools toolbar, select the Transform tool.
- Display the controls of the Animated Matte Generator node by doing one of the following:
- In the Camera view toolbar, click on Show Control .
- From the top menu, select View > Show > Control.
- Press Shift + F11.
The control points for the Animated Matte Generator display in the Camera view.
- In the Matte Visibility panel of the Animated Matte Generator view, do one of the following:
- If you don't want to separate the inner and outer matte contours, or if they are already separated, enable both the Outer Contour and Inner Contour options.
- If you want to shrink the inner contour only, disable the Outer Contour option and enable the Inner Contour option.
- If you want to shrink the inner contour only, enable the Outer Contour option and disable the Inner Contour option.
TIP You can quickly enable one contour and disable the other one by holding the Alt key and clicking on the button of the contour you wish to enable.
- In the Editing Mode panel of the Animated Matte Generator view, enable the Scaling Controls option.
Scaling controls appear over the enabled matte contours. If both matte contours are enabled, a blue scaling control appear in-between the outer and inner contours which can be used to scale both contours simultaneously.
- If you want to scale the matte points from a specific pivot point, click and drag the purple square in the middle of the scaling control to position the scaling pivot.
- Do one of the following:
- If you want to scale both the outer and inner contours together, click and drag any control point of the blue scaling box.
- If you want to scale the outer contour only, click and drag any control point of the red scaling box.
- If you want to scale the inner contour only, click and drag any control point of the green scaling box.