Animating with the Transform Tool
The Transform tool allows you to move, rotate, scale and skew a selection or multi-selection.
How to animate using the Transform tool
- In the Tools toolbar, click the Transform tool or press Shift + T.
- In the Transform Tool Properties view, make sure the Peg Selection mode is deselected.
- In the Timeline view, go to the frame on which you want to set the first position.
- In the Timeline toolbar, click the Add Keyframe button or press F6. It is recommended to add a keyframe before moving the character. Moving a character's part without setting a keyframe will create keyframes only on certain parameters of the animation. You could run into issues later on when setting poses between existing ones. Creating a keyframe on all layers and parameters will ensure your pose is set and will not be modified by other poses later on.
- In the Camera view, select the element to animate and move it.
- In the Timeline view, go to the frame where you want to set the next position.
- In the Timeline toolbar, click the Add Keyframe button or press F6.
- In the Camera view, animate the character.