Reordering Palettes in the Palette List

You may want your palettes to be listed in a specific order. In a lot of cases, this is strictly a matter of convenience. However, if your palette list contains palettes that have been cloned off each other, Harmony will use the palette that is located the highest in the list to determine the colours to use in the drawings. Hence, if you are using cloned palettes, you must mind the order of your palettes in the palette list. For more information, see Cloning a Palette .

NOTE If a palette in the scene's palette list has been cloned into an element's palette list, Harmony will use the palette in the element's palette list for this element.

If you are using Harmony Server, make sure you have the rights to modify the palette list by doing one of the following:

  • From the top menu, open the Edit menu and ensure the Edit Palette List Mode option is checked
  • Right-click on the palette list and select Get Rights to Modify Palette List.
  • From the Colour view menu , select Palettes > Get Rights to Modify Palette List